
Title: Update the 814_20 guide for Critical Care to no longer require the entire loop to be present when adding or updating Emergency Contact Information
Next Step: RMS approved withdrawal on 10/19/11
Status: Withdrawn on 10/19/2011


Date Gov Body Action Taken Next Steps
10/19/2011 RMS Withdrawn RMS approved withdrawal on 10/19/11
10/13/2011 MCT Recommended for Withdrawal This was combined with Change Control 2011-795


Status: Withdrawn
Date Submitted: 09/26/2011
Submitter Name: Diana Rehfeldt
Submitter Company: TNMP
Emergency: No
Sections: 814_20
Description: Changes made to the gray boxes in the guide regarding when and how Critical Care contact information is sent creates a possible reject situation if all the contact information segments are not included.
Reason: The gray boxes need to accommodate an instance where the contact information loop can be sent without some of the segments. An example of this would be if the contact information becomes optional in the PUCT form and if the customer only provides an address with no phone number. The guide as written requires that all the segments be present if the loop is sent.
Protocol Impact: No

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