
Title: Make the "Unmetered Service Type" found in the REF~PRT segment "Optional" for the TDSP when the information is available at the time the 814_20 Create transaction is established and communicated to ERCOT.
Next Step: RMS voted to include this change control in Texas SET 5.0
Status: Implemented


Date Gov Body Action Taken Next Steps
09/13/2022 RMS Approved RMS voted to include this change control in Texas SET 5.0
01/07/2020 RMS Approved
11/14/2019 TXSET Recommended for Approval Recommend RMS for Approval
10/17/2019 TXSET Submitter requested this Change Control be updated with corrections to the example in the gray box and for TX SET to re-review.
10/19/2011 RMS Approved Approved as Non-Emergency by RMS on 10/19/11
10/13/2011 MCT Recommended for Approval Recommended for Approval as Non-Emergency for a future implementation (not 4.0) on 10/13/11.


Status: Implemented
Date Submitted: 09/27/2011
Submitter Name: Kathy Scott
Submitter Company: CenterPoint Energy
Emergency: No
Sections: 814_20
Description: Make the "Unmetered Service Type" found in the REF~PRT segment "Optional" for the TDSP when the information is available at the time the 814_20 Create transaction is established and communicated to ERCOT. This would prevent multiple 814_20s from being initiated for an ESI ID Create of an Unmetered Service Type and again following-up with another 814_20 to provide the REF~PRT "Unmetered Service Type" update.
Version: Future
Protocol Impact: No

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