
Title: Updating the 814_24 to allow only the CSA CR to submit the REF~2W and create new reject reason for ERCOT
Next Step: RMS voted to include this change control in Texas SET 5.0
Status: Implemented


Date Gov Body Action Taken Next Steps
09/13/2022 RMS Approved RMS voted to include this change control in Texas SET 5.0
12/12/2012 RMS Approved Approved as Non-Emergency by RMS on 12/12/12
12/06/2012 TXSET Recommended for Approval TX SET updated language in Change Control and has recommended it for approval with the proposed updates.
10/11/2012 TXSET On hold until next TX SET Meeting


Status: Implemented
Date Submitted: 08/24/2012
Submitter Name: Diana Rehfeldt
Submitter Company: TNMP
Emergency: No
Sections: 814_24 and 814_25
Description: Clarify gray box language on 814_24 for the REF~2W code. Create new reject reason to be used by ERCOT only when REF~2W is used by a CR that is not the current CSA CR.
Reason: Non-CSA CR's are submitting a high number of 814_24's requesting to bypass the CSA.
Version: Future
Protocol Impact: No

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