No representation from submitter of the Change Control on the Change Control call. TX SET has tabled discussion until next month.
Date Submitted:
Submitter Name:
Paula Shadle
Submitter Company:
Nueces Electric Coop
When the Muni-Coop issues a 650_04 they pull the meter for a non-pay disconnect. The Muni-Coop will use the S2 action code in the BGN08. The CR's are wanting the Muni-Coop to use the R8 action code so that the CRs system will automatically trigger an 814_24. The Muni-Coop is disconnecting for non-pay and not because the customer called for disconnect, in which case the R8 action code is used. The Muni-Coop would like the CR's to understand that the guidelines are different for Muni-Coops than the IOU guidelines. Recommend adding the following to the S2 gray box "Required for MOU/EC: In order to avoid ongoing liability, a CR must submit an 814_24 to terminate service no earlier than five days after receipt of a 650_04 indicating successful completion of the disconnect for non-payment request." To clarify the use of S2 action code in MOU-EC market.