PUCT Docket 42359, Remand of Docket No. 36952, ET AL - (Application of CenterPoint Houston Electric, LLC to Defer Energy Efficiency Cost Recovery and for Approval of an Energy Efficiency Cost Recovery Factor):
Since this new surcharge cannot be combined with the existing "MSC041 Energy Efficiency Cost Recovery Factor (EERCF)", a new SAC04 identified as "MSC055" with a description of "Surcharge Energy Efficiency" is being requested by CenterPoint Energy. This new "MSC055" unique SAC04 code will allow CNP’s compliance to PUCT Docket 42359 along with providing Competitive Retailer(s) with easier identification by displaying this new surcharge as a separate line item with its unique SAC04 and description included in the 810_02 TDSP Invoice to the Competitive Retailer(s).