
Title: Requesting a new Construction Hold Pending Code (CHP) to the 814_04 and 814_05 to help REPs identify the reason for potential delays on a MVI request
Next Step: RMS voted to include this change control in Texas SET 5.0
Status: Implemented


Date Gov Body Action Taken Next Steps
09/13/2022 RMS Approved RMS voted to include this change control in Texas SET 5.0
01/07/2020 RMS Approved
11/14/2019 TXSET Recommended for Approval Recommend RMS for Approval


Status: Implemented
Date Submitted: 10/14/2019
Submitter Name: Sam Pak
Submitter Company: Oncor
Emergency: No
Sections: 814_04 and 814_05
Description: Today, when Oncor receives a MVI for a premise on construction hold, we will send an 814_04 to the market with a scheduled date even though we can’t schedule the MVI yet because of the hold. The construction hold may last 60 days or more. REPs are blind to the construction hold, so often call or send MarkeTraks to try to find out the MVI status. TDSPs could potentially reject the MVI which the REPs may respond to the rejection with a new MVI causing unnecessary truck rolls.
Reason: To help provide better information to REPs associated with MVI delays due to ongoing utility construction issues and to prevent unnecessary truck rolls, Oncor submits this Texas SET change control request to add a new Construction Hold Pending code (CHP) to the 814_04, Enrollment Notification Response, and the 814_05, CR Enrollment Notification Response, to the REF Reference Identification (Status Reason) segment that will help identify the reason for potential delays on a MVI request.
Protocol Impact: No

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