This Change Control includes the following changes or clarifications that are the result of market recommendations following Hurricane Harvey Lessons Learned Workshop and several follow-up discussions held during TX SET meetings over the past 18 months:
650_04 Planned or Unplanned Outage Notification for the BGN~13 Beginning Segment BGN08:
Clarify: “R8” Terminate
650_04 Planned or Unplanned Outage Notification for the REF~5H (Suspension/Reactivation Code):
Add: New Codes “DC006”, "DC007", "RC006" and "RC007"
650_04 Planned or Unplanned Outage Notification corrected REF~MG (Meter Number):
Correct incorrect process(s)
650_04 Planned or Unplanned Outage Notification for the DTM~139 Date/Time (Actual Completion or Estimated Restoration Date/Time:
Add: “Required when BGN08 = 79 (Reactivate) and REF~5H = RC006 or "RC007"
650_04 Planned or Unplanned Outage Notification for the MTX~ Text (Comments)
Add: “Required when BGN08 = 79 (Reactivate) and REF~5H = DC007 – TDSP will use “DEP” to provide Service Standards Clearance Violation(s) details in the “MTX02” data field.