
Title: Add new REF segment in order to provide Meter Service Type
Next Step: RMS Approved TXSETCC831 with changes for Texas SET 5.0
Status: Implemented


Date Gov Body Action Taken Next Steps
12/06/2022 RMS Approved for Texas SET 5.0 RMS Approved TXSETCC831 with changes for Texas SET 5.0
10/27/2022 TXSET Recommended for Approval Recommend RMS Approve for 5.0
10/27/2022 TXSET This Change Control was updated with language to be reviewed by Texas SET Working Group
09/13/2022 RMS Approved RMS voted to include this change control in Texas SET 5.0
05/04/2021 RMS Approved Approved as non-emergency for a future release
04/22/2021 TXSET Recommended for Approval Recommend RMS Approval for a future TX SET release


Status: Implemented
Date Submitted: 04/08/2021
Submitter Name: Kathy Scott
Submitter Company: Centerpoint
Emergency: No
Sections: 814_04, 814_05, 814_14, 814_22 and 814_20
Description: With the addition of this new REF segment shown as “REF~MSL” that will be defined as: “Metered Service Type List” may be used by the TDSP(s) to provide additional information to the Competitive Retailer(s) to better describe the ESI ID’s Service Type that is being metered.
Reason: This new “REF~MSL” will mimic TDSP(s) processes used internally when providing the REP of Record(s) with Unmetered Service Type that is communicated within the “REF~PRT” segment of the same TX SET transactions: 814_04, 814_05, 814_14, 814_22 and 814_20.
Protocol Impact: No

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