
Title: This change control will implement logic to reject Texas SET transactions that contain only a comma or other one character punctuation in a name field
Next Step: RMS voted to include this change control in Texas SET 5.0
Status: Implemented


Date Gov Body Action Taken Next Steps
09/13/2022 RMS Approved RMS voted to include this change control in Texas SET 5.0
10/05/2021 RMS Approved Approved as non-emergency for a future release
09/23/2021 TXSET Recommended for Approval Recommend RMS Approve for a future TX SET release


Status: Implemented
Date Submitted: 09/16/2021
Submitter Name: Kathryn Thurman
Submitter Company: ERCOT
Emergency: No
Sections: 814_01, 814_03, 814_04, 814_05, 814_08, 814_12, 814_14, 814_16, 814_18, 814_20, 814_22, 814_24, 814_26, 814_28, 814_PC, 650_01
Description: There have been instances where a customer name was submitted containing nothing but a comma in the EDI transaction. Because the Texas SET Guide describes the name field as being free-form Alpha numeric and between 1 and 60 characters, a value of a comma was accepted and passed to downstream market participants.
Reason: This change control adds clarification to all name fields that the use of a comma is only valid when associated with a Customer name. After implementation of this change control name fields populated with only a comma will be considered invalid and will be rejected by ERCOT and the TDSP. Also included are updates to Change Control 2020-827 to add comma language to the new Power Outage Contact PER~PO
Version: Future
Protocol Impact: No

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