
Title: Update the 814_18 and 814_19 Guides to be in line with Texas SET 5.0 Changes
Next Step: RMS reviewed and Approved as non-emergency for Texas SET 5.0
Status: Implemented


Date Gov Body Action Taken Next Steps
03/07/2023 RMS Approved for Texas SET 5.0 RMS reviewed and Approved as non-emergency for Texas SET 5.0
02/15/2023 TXSET Recommended for Approval Recommend RMS Approve for Texas SET 5.0 as Revised
01/18/2023 TXSET Recommended for Approval Recommend RMS Approve for Texas SET 5.0


Status: Implemented
Date Submitted: 01/04/2023
Submitter Name: Kathryn Thurman
Submitter Company: ERCOT
Emergency: No
Sections: 814_18 and 814_19
Description: Update the 814_18 and 814_19 Guides to Add Change to the name. Customer Name and Zip Code Required.
Reason: With the ability to change End Dates, the transaction names must be updated to reflect Establish/Change/Delete. DTM segments updated to allow only one per transaction. Customer Name and Zip Code are required for validation.
Version: 5.0
Protocol Impact: No

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