
Title: Remove I2M - Invalid Second Move Out from the 814_04 transaction.
Next Step: RMS approves this Change Control as non-emergency to be included in Texas SET 5.0
Status: Implemented


Date Gov Body Action Taken Next Steps
06/06/2023 RMS Approved for Texas SET 5.0 RMS approves this Change Control as non-emergency to be included in Texas SET 5.0
05/17/2023 TXSET Recommended for Approval Texas SET Recommends Approval as non-emergency for Texas SET 5.0


Status: Implemented
Date Submitted: 04/18/2023
Submitter Name: Kathy Scott
Submitter Company: CenterPoint Energy
Emergency: No
Sections: 814_04
Description: This Change Control is a correction by deleting the Reject Reason Code of “I2M - Invalid Second Move-Out” including graybox stating “Received Invalid 2MR code” from the 814_04 TX SET transaction that was previously Approved with Change Control 2021-830 (original redline added I2M) and I2M clarified on Change Control 2023-842.
Reason: After further investigations there isn’t a need to include the Reject Code of “I2M” on the 814_04 TX SET transaction since there isn’t a REF*1P in the 814_03 that would allow ERCOT a way to communicate the “2MR” code to the TDSPs “2MR” if the MVO Request is transitioned to a MVO (Move-Out) to CSA. In addition, since the MVO to CSA replaces the 814_24 Move-Out Request received from the REP of Record, the MVO to CSA now becomes a read-only for the TDSPs regardless if this was the REP of Records first or second Move-Out Request to ERCOT.
Version: 5.0
Protocol Impact: No

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