
Title: This change control provides clarification by adding gray box language that State or Province Code(s) will only contain uppercase letters (A to Z) and if applicable digits (0-9).
Next Step: RMS Approved as non-emergency for Texas SET 5.0.
Status: Implemented


Date Gov Body Action Taken Next Steps
03/05/2024 RMS Approved for Texas SET 5.0 RMS Approved as non-emergency for Texas SET 5.0.
02/13/2024 TXSET Recommended for Approval Texas SET Recommends Approval for Texas SET 5.0


Status: Implemented
Date Submitted: 01/30/2024
Submitter Name: Kathy Scott
Submitter Company: CenterPoint Energy
Emergency: No
Sections: 650_01, 814_01, 814_04, 814_05, 814_14, 814_28, 814_PC T0 Outage Status Request, T1 Trouble Reporting Request, T2 Trouble Report Acknowledgement, T3 Outage Status Response T4 Trouble Completion Report.
Description: To prevent transactional processing delays created when Market Participants’ reject TX SET transactions’ N402 “State or Province Code” populated with lowercase letter(s).
Reason: This change control provides clarification by adding graybox language that “State or Province Code(s) will only contain uppercase letters (A to Z) and if applicable digits (0-9). Note that punctuation (spaces, dashes, etc.) must be excluded.” to the N402 data elements for the following transactions and N4 segments. Also, clarified “State Code” must be uppercase when applied to any of the Outage Option 1 T-Series transactions.
Version: 5.0
Protocol Impact: No

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