
Title Delay the Fuel Adder Sunset Related to VCMRR014, Revise Fuel Adder Factor for Coal and Lignite Resources
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Status Approved on 05/24/2018


Date Gov Body Action Taken Next Steps
05/24/2018 TAC Approved
05/02/2018 WMS Recommended for Approval TAC for consideration
04/04/2018 WMS Recommended for Approval WMS for Impact Analysis review

Voting Record

Date Gov Body Motion Result
05/24/2018 TAC To approve VCMRR020 as recommended by WMS in the 5/2/18 WMS Report Passed
05/02/2018 WMS To endorse and forward to TAC the 4/4/18 WMS Report and Impact Analysis for VCMRR020 Passed
04/04/2018 WMS To grant VCMRR020 Urgent status; To recommend approval of VCMRR020 as submitted Passed


Status: Approved
Date Posted: Mar 22, 2018
Sponsor: Reliant Energy Retail Services
Urgent: Yes
Sections: 3.4
Description: This Verifiable Cost Manual Revision Request (VCMRR) delays the sunset date implemented by VCMRR014, Revise Fuel Adder Factor for Coal and Lignite Resources, to permit stakeholders additional time to identify a long-term solution to determine an appropriate adder for coal-fired and lignite-fired Generation Resources.
Reason: Market efficiencies or enhancements