Load Resource Participation in the ERCOT Markets

Relevant Definitions from Protocol Section 2 Relevant Definitions from Protocol Section 2

Load Resource (LR)

A Load capable of providing Ancillary Service to the ERCOT System and/or energy in the form of Demand response and registered with ERCOT as a Load Resource

Aggregate Load Resource (ALR)

A Controllable Load Resource that is an aggregation of individual metered sites, each of which has less than ten MW of Demand response capability and all of which are located within a single Load Zone

Controllable Load Resource (CLR)

A Load Resource capable of controllably reducing or increasing consumption under Dispatch control by ERCOT

Market Participation Market Participation

Customers who can change their Load in response to a Dispatch Instruction and can meet certain performance requirements may qualify to become LRs. Qualified LRs may participate in ERCOT’s real-time energy market through Security-Constrained Economic Dispatch (SCED) and/or qualify to provide any of the following Ancillary Services (AS): ERCOT Contingency Reserve Service (ECRS), Non-Spinning Reserve (Non-Spin), Regulation Down Service (Reg-Down), Regulation Up Service (Reg-Up), and Responsive Reserve (RRS).  

In the ERCOT markets, the value of an LR’s Load reduction is equal to that of an increase in generation by a generating plant. LRs in SCED submit bids to buy power up to their specified level and are instructed by ERCOT to reduce Load if wholesale market prices equal or exceed that level. LRs that are scheduled or selected in the ERCOT Day-Ahead AS Market are eligible to receive a capacity payment regardless of whether they are dispatched in Real-Time.

Registration, Telemetry, and Ancillary Service Qualification Information Registration, Telemetry, and Ancillary Service Qualification Information

Resource Entities (REs) register LRs using the Resource Integration & Ongoing Operations (RIOO) application. Instructions for setting up a RIOO user account can be found under RIOO Documentation on the Resource Integration webpage. Refer to the RIOO user guides under Key Documents below for more details.

To register an LR, the LR owner and/or the RE must:

  • Register as an RE by submitting the Resource Entity Application for Registration in Section 23 of the Protocols. The RE registration must be complete to be issued the ERCOT digital certificate required to setup the RIOO user account.
  • If not already in place, designate a Qualified Scheduling Entity (QSE) responsible for market operations and financial settlement. The Section 23 Form H: QSE Acknowledgement should be submitted to ERCOT before the RE starts the registration process for the LR in RIOO. If the QSE is not registered when ERCOT receives the registration request, the Production Load Date (PLD) of the LR may be delayed until the QSE Acknowledgment is complete. The QSE associated with an LR must be a qualification level 3 or 4. A level 4 QSE is required to participate in the AS market, and this qualification level can be achieved during the AS qualification testing for the LR.
  • For CLRs that want to be SCED qualified, designate a Decision Making Entity (DME) by submitting the Section 23 Form C: Managed Capacity Declaration at least 45 days before the requested PLD for the LR. If the DME is not registered when ERCOT receives the registration request, the PLD of the LR may be delayed until the DME designation is complete.
  • Complete interconnection requirements with the host Transmission and/or Distribution Service Provider (TDSP) and Meter Reading Entity (MRE).
    • Confirm the mapping location data for each LR to be registered. This data is required in the RIOO submission, and it provides the necessary details for ERCOT to model the LR in the correct location. 
    • The Load Resource Registration Data Request Form under Key Documents below can be used to help the RE and the TDSP coordinate this data.
  • Coordinate a PLD and Dispatch Asset Code (DAC) for each new LR via email with the ERCOT Demand Integration team (ERCOTLRandSODG@ercot.com). This coordination is not required, but it can help ensure that the requested DAC and PLD are correct in the RIOO submission.
    • The PLD must be at least 45 days after the RIOO registration submission is accurately completed and will align with a scheduled production model load as listed on the current Production Load Schedule. The PLD must be included in the RIOO submission.
      • Note that LR submissions meeting the 45-day PLD schedule do not require the RE to attach the “RE_Model_Interim_Update_Request” form in RIOO.
    • The DAC will be a unique identifier provided by ERCOT and it must be included in the RIOO submission.
  • Register the LR by using the RIOO application. Refer to the RIOO user guides under Key Documents below for more details.

Updating an existing LR (including ownership changes)

REs submit updates to existing LRs using the Resource Services section of RIOO (RIOO – RS). The desired PLD can be coordinated with the ERCOT Demand Integration team (ERCOTLRandSODG@ercot.com) prior to completing the submission. Coordinating the PLD is not required, but it must align with a scheduled production model load as listed on the current Production Load Schedule. Refer to the RIOO user guide under Key Documents below for more details.

The timelines for LR updates are different depending on the type of change being requested:

  • Most updates require the RIOO submission to be completed at least 30 days before the requested PLD. These include stopping an LR, changing the operating limits (such as the High Reasonability Limit), or moving the LR to another location in the Network Model. Note that any mapping location changes must be coordinated with the associated TDSP.
  • Owner or operator changes (assigning the LR to a different RE or QSE) will follow the same 45-day timeline as submissions to register a new LR. The additional time is to facilitate approval of all required forms submitted to ERCOT (such as the QSE Acknowledgement or the DME form) and to setup any required ICCP telemetry points.

Registration fees (see posted ERCOT Fee Schedule on Current Protocols – Nodal webpage):

  • Fee to register a new LR = $500
  • Fee to update an existing LR:
    •  $500 if the High Reasonability Limit (HRL) is increased by 20% or more from the existing HRL (not an accumulated change).
    • $500 to change an existing LR registration between controllable (CLR) and non-controllable (NCLR).
      • Requires stopping the existing LR and registering a new LR with a unique DAC.
    • No fee for other updates.
  • No fee to stop an existing LR or to change the owner (RE) or operator (QSE) for an LR.
  • All fees are collected in RIOO during the submission process and must be paid before the submission can be completed.
    • If there are multiple LRs subject to fees in the same RIOO submission, the total amount of fees due will be charged in the same invoice.
  • Refunds of fees paid will not be considered unless ERCOT directs a change in the registration process that results in additional fees being charged.

ICCP telemetry:

After the RIOO submission is complete, the QSE representing the LR must setup Inter-Control Center Communications Protocol (ICCP) telemetry points for each new LR in compliance with the ERCOT Nodal ICCP Communications Handbook (see the latest version posted on the User Guides webpage).

  • The ERCOT Grid & Market Solutions (GMS) team will contact the QSE via email to coordinate the addition of the telemetry points.
  • The last day to submit telemetry points is posted on the Production Load Schedule and is represented by the “Interim Period 2 Ends (ICCP and Relationship)” column. Use the date aligned with the requested PLD for the RIOO submission.
  • If the telemetry points are not setup in time, the PLD of the LR will be delayed.

Ancillary Service qualification testing:

LRs wanting to participate in the Ancillary Service market are required to perform a qualification test. After the newly registered LR has been activated in the Network Model on the PLD submitted in RIOO, the QSE for the LR can contact the ERCOT Demand Integration team (ERCOTLRandSODG@ercot.com) to schedule Ancillary Service qualification testing.

Prior to scheduling a qualification test, the following must be submitted to the ERCOT Demand Integration team by either the QSE or the RE representing the testing LR:

  • Required Documents
    • One-Line Diagram:  A simplified diagram that shows the LRs, associated interconnecting hardware, and a brief description of the type of load.
    • AS Provisional Qualification Request:  REs may request provisional qualification for AS by submitting an affidavit for the desired service (RRS, ECRS, or NSRS), valid for 90 days pending approval and completion of an NCLR qualification test, as reviewed by the Demand Integration team. Corresponding forms can be found under Key Documents below.
    • Under-Frequency Relay (UFR) Status:  Specific to NCLRs, please indicate whether a UFR is present.
  • Additional Documents
    • UFR test results for NCLRs.
    • Submit Primary Frequency Response (PFR) test results to the Net Dependable Capability and Reactive Capability (NDCRC) application for CLRs.
  • A complete list of documents and steps can be found in the controllable and non-controllable qualification testing procedures under Key Documents below.

Load Resource Supporting Information

Monthly ERCOT Demand Response from Load Resources
View monthly response from load resources.
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