PRS Meeting

January 22, 2007
09:30 AM - 04:00 PM
ERCOT Austin
8000 Metropolis (Building E), Suite 100
Austin, TX 78744
Dial-In: 512.225.7284
Dial-In Code: 1322

1. Antitrust Admonition K. Gresham
2. Election of 2007 Chair and Vice Chair N. Lopez
3. Approval of Minutes (Vote) - December 14, 2006 Chair
4. Urgency Votes (Possible Vote)
  • PRR702, Emergency Interruptible Load Service [Eagle Energy Partners, Enernoc, and Occidental Chemical Corporation]
  • PRR703, Emergency Interruptible Load Service (EILS) [EIL TF]
  • PRR704, Emergency Interruptible Load Service (EILS) [Chaparral Steel and Nucor Steel]
  • PRR705, Emergency Interruptible Load Service (EILS) - Interim Option [ERCOT Staff]
5. TAC and Board Reports (Possible Vote)
  • TAC Action Item for PRS - Research and develop alternative funding mechanisms for the ERO/TRE fee to relieve the burden on Load which comply with federal and state regulations. (See PRR700, Creation of Interim Measure for Collecting the ERO/TRE Fee.)
  • Process for post-nodal implementation of NPRRs. TAC requests an update for its March meeting.
K. Gresham
6. Project Update and Summary of Project Priority List (PPL) Activity to Date T. Anderson
7. Review of Recommendation Report, Impact Analysis and Cost/Benefit Analysis (Vote)
  • PRR697, Posting Requirement Changes. On 12/14/06, upon request of the submitter, PRS tabled PRR697.
8. Review of PRR Language (Vote)
  • PRR701, Enabling of Stranded Capacity During Alerts - URGENT. On 12/14/06, PRS voted to grant urgent status to PRR701 and tabled it until January 2007.
  • PRR702, Emergency Interruptible Load Service [Eagle Energy Partners, Enernoc, and Occidental Chemical Corporation]
9. Project Prioritization (Vote)
  • Appropriate PRRs from Item No. 7.
10. Review of NPRR Impact Analysis (Vote)
  • NPRR035, Nodal Protocol Clarifications Required For Net Metering Provisions
  • NPRR036, Market Operations Test Environment (MOTE) in the Nodal Market.
11. Other Business
12. Adjourn

Scheduled PRS Meetings

Key Documents

Jan 15, 2007 - zip - 214.8 KB
Jan 11, 2007 - zip - 599.4 KB
Jan 19, 2007 - zip - 344.9 KB
Jan 11, 2007 - doc - 78 KB
Apr 26, 2007 - doc - 159 KB
Jan 19, 2007 - doc - 137 KB
Jan 19, 2007 - ppt - 175 KB
Jan 19, 2007 - ppt - 194.5 KB
Jan 15, 2007 - ppt - 91 KB

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