Texas SET Meeting

April 25, 2007
10:00 AM - 05:00 PM
ERCOT Austin
8000 Metropolis (Building E), Suite 100
Austin, TX 78744
Room 168
Dial-In: 512-225-7280
Dial-In Code: 2755


1. Antitrust Admonition 10:00


RMS Update

At the Request of RMS and TAC, A Retail Market Workshop has been scheduled, by the COMET WG leadership, to "Vet Issues & Identify Gaps Related to Small Renewable Generation".

The workshop is scheduled for May 2, 2007, from 9:30am to 4:00pm at the ERCOT Austin location, room # 168.
2. New Issues / Discussion Items:
  • Issue 036 - 814_20 Meter Exchanges (Jennifer Garcia)
  • Issue 040 - Feedback on MVOs rejected with 'MOX' (Johnny Robertson) - Update and should this continue to be in a pending state?
  • Issue 044 - Find ESI ID function on the TML failing to retrieve ESI IDs accurately in some cases (Catherine Meiners)
  • Issue 055 - CenterPoint Energy has received and is currently installing new meters that register 6 positions (5.1) or this could also be considered 7 positions if your development team includes the decimal point. The readings are displayed as 5 positions to the left of the decimal point and one position to the right of the decimal point (example XXXXX.X). (Kathy Scott) -- Response from CRs and ERCOT on data length requirements for meter data
  • Issue 056 - Modify the 814_11 to comply with new market rule that prohibits a CR from submitting a Drop to AREP transaction (Johnny Robertson)
  • New Issues: Correct 650_02 Example 15 Transactions to include meter number based upon graybox requirement in guide. (Kathy Scott)

    Meter Number is required on the following service order types:
    • Disconnect for Customer Requested Clearance (DC002)
    • Remove One Specific Meter on a Multi-Premise/ESIID (DC003)
    • Meter Exchanges (ME0xx) All
    • Meter Maintenance (MM0xx) All
    • Reconnect for Customer Requested Clearance (RC002)
    • Special Out of Cycle Read (RD001)
    • Re-Read/Potential Error (RD002)
    • Meter Test (MT001)

    Meter Number is Not Used on all other Service Orders

    650_02 Example #15

    TDSP Notifies CR of Permit Required
    Response to the Original Service Order Request

    • Transaction Type, Control Number
    • Response, Reference Number, Date, Original Service Order Request Reference Number, Transaction Type, Permit Required Response
    N1~8S~TDSP COMPANY~1~007909411~~41
    • TDSP Name, DUNS Number, Sender
    • CR Name, DUNS Number, Receiver
    • Service Order Level Information
    - REF~8X~RC002
    • Purpose Code
    - REF~Q5~~10111111234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS
    • ESI ID
    • Number of Segments, Control Number
  • Any Other Issues?
3. Status Report on 814_20 Changes to Process" Large Volumes" of Transactions- Catherine Meiners (ERCOT) 11:00
4. Lunch 11:30
5. Review and Approve Protocol Revisions to eliminate Drop to AREP transactions / processes
  • Redline changes for Chapter 15- Customer Enrollment
  • Redline changes for Chapter 19- TX SET Transactions
  • Retail Market Guide Changes required? What sections?
  • Others documents that reference 814_10 Drop to AREP transaction or Drop to AREP process?
6. Review and Approve Retail Market Guides Revision for Timing Matrix to Synch-up with approved changes in PRR 672, PRR 693, and PRR 707 2:30
7. June 27 TX SET and June 28 MCT Meeting
  • Should we meet or not in June?
  • If yes, do we need to meet before June 23 implementation weekend?
  • If we should meet after implementation should it be a conference call instead of a face-to-face meeting for any post-implementation discussions?
  • Issues/Concerns with either (meeting vs. no meeting)
8. Review Open TX SET Action Items- Q & A 4:00
9. Agenda / Discussion Items for Next Meeting 4:30
10. Adjourn

Next Meeting Schedule

MCT and TX SET's meeting schedule for the next 2 months:
  • May 2007 - two dates - Meeting Location ERCOT Met Center Conference Room 168:
  • Texas SET - Wednesday, May 23, 2007 (10:00 AM - 5:00 PM)
  • Market Coordination Team - Thursday, May 24, 2007 (9:00 AM - 3:00 PM)

Scheduled TXSET Meetings

Key Documents

Apr 13, 2007 - doc - 340.5 KB
Apr 13, 2007 - doc - 228.5 KB
Apr 19, 2007 - doc - 304 KB
May 21, 2007 - doc - 212 KB

All information is posted as Public in accordance with the ERCOT Websites Content Management Corporate Standard.