
Title Updating a Counter-Party's Available Credit Limit for Current Day DAM
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Status Approved on 05/15/2012


Date Gov Body Action Taken Next Steps
05/15/2012 BOARD Approved
04/05/2012 TAC Recommended for Approval ERCOT Board Consideration
03/22/2012 PRS Recommended for Approval TAC consideration
02/23/2012 PRS Recommended for Approval PRS review Impact Analysis

Voting Record

Date Gov Body Motion Result
05/15/2012 BOARD To approve NPRR439 as recommended by TAC in the 4/5/12 TAC Report. Passed
04/05/2012 TAC To recommend approval of NPRR439 as recommended by PRS in the 3/22/12 PRS Report Passed
03/22/2012 PRS To endorse and forward the 2/23/12 PRS Report and Impact Analysis for NPRR439 to TAC with a recommended priority of 2012 and rank of 690. Passed
02/23/2012 PRS To recommend approval of NPRR439 as amended by the 2/8/12 ERCOT comments and as revised by PRS. Passed


Status: Approved
Date Posted: Jan 25, 2012
Sponsor: ERCOT
Urgent: No
Description: This Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) will provide flexibility for Counter-Parties to increase the credit limit available for the Day-Ahead Market (DAM) on the day the DAM is running by posting additional Financial Security under certain circumstances after ERCOT has already set a daily credit limit.
Reason: Although ERCOT has business processes in place on the timing of when it sets the daily credit limit for the next day’s DAM for each Counter-Party, ERCOT could update the credit limit for a Counter-Party if time and resource constraints are not an issue. As such, this NPRR codifies the circumstances in which ERCOT may be able to adjust the credit limit for a Counter-Party for the current day DAM. Please note that ERCOT plans to continue to process Financial Security as it does currently on Business Days.

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