TAC Meeting

June 01, 2006
09:30 AM - 04:00 PM
ERCOT Austin
8000 Metropolis (Building E), Suite 100
Austin, TX 78744
Dial-In: 512.225.7280
Dial-In Code: 6046



Antitrust Admonition

R. Comstock

9:30 a.m.


Approval of the Draft May 3-4, 2006 TAC Meeting Minutes (Vote)* 


R. Comstock

9:35 a.m.


ERCOT Board Update *


R. Comstock


9:40 a.m.



April EECP Follow Up

R. Comstock


9:45 a.m.



Board Action Items - Board Oversight in Protocols and PRR Approval Process (Vote)*


M. Walker

10:00 a.m.


Protocol Revisions Subcommittee Report *

  • Protocol Revision Requests:
    • PRR654, Remove Market Solution References (Vote)*
    • PRR655, Approval of Temporary Modification to Annual Validation (Vote)*
  •  Notice of PRR Rejections:
    • PRR586, SCE Performance and Regulation Cost Re-allocation
    • PRR649, Correct "K" Factor in Compliance SCE Formula
    • PRR656, SCE Performance Charge
  • Board Action Item - Market Participant Funding of Projects (Vote)*
  • Schedule Control Error (SCE) Background Information*
  • Protocol Revision Requests Continued:
    • PRR661, SCE Performance Enforcement Criteria - URGENT (Vote)*
    • PRR662, Modify Ancillary Service Deployment Performance Conditions - URGENT (Vote)*

K. Gresham







M. Bruce

K. Gresham

10:15 a.m.








10:30 a.m.

 11:00 a.m.





12:00 p.m.


Texas Nodal Implementation

  • TPTF Report*
  • ERCOT Report*
  • Market Coordination Team Overview*



T. Doggett
K. Hager
S. Munson

1:00 p.m.



Retail Market Subcommittee Report*

  • RMGRR034, Removal of Profile Working Group References (Vote)*


S. Bowling

1:45 p.m.


Wholesale Market Subcommittee Report*

  • SMOGRR005, Process for Settlement Metering Operating Guide Revisions (Vote)*
  • Report on Nodal Assignments
    • Co-optimization Recommendation (Possible Vote)*


B. Belk


2:00 p.m.


Reliability and Operations Subcommittee Report *

  • Overview of ROS Review Process of EECP Event
  • Report on Nodal Assignments


P. Breitzman

2:30 p.m.


Commercial Operations Subcommittee Report*


BJ Flowers


2:45 p.m.


Possible Recommendations to Board

  • Ancillary Services Re-qualification Testing Deadline (Possible Vote)*
  • RPRS Settlement Discussion (Possible Vote)*


M. Bruce

C. Greer

3:00 p.m.


Operations Update

  • ERO Implementation
  • June TCR Auction Results*
  • Capacity, Demand, and Reserve (CDR) Report



S. Jones
B. Day
B. Bojorquez

3:30 p.m.


2007 Project Prioritization Update

T. Anderson


4:00 p.m.


Credit Working Group Update


C. Yager


4:15 p.m.


Other Business


R. Comstock


4:30 p.m.




R. Comstock


4:35 p.m.


Future TAC Meetings

  • July 6, 2006
  • August 3, 2006




Open Action Items from Previous Meeting(s)

Responsible Party

  • Emergency Demand Service - Demand Side Working Group


  • Review of Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) Methodology and Process


  • WMS to look at long-term solutions to market issue of LaaRs submitting bid prices less than zero to ensure participation in the RRS market


  • ROS to continue examining Hurricane Rita and Lessons Learned and report back to TAC after May hurricane preparedness drills


  • CWG to report their findings, i.e. exposure and collateral effects post-implementation of PRR568 and PRR638, at the May 2006 TAC Meeting


  • RMS to include retail outage statistics post-implementation of SCR745 in monthly report to TAC


  • RMS and COPS Communications Working Group to review communication issues related to ERCOT December System Outage/Storage Failure and provide recommendations.  In the interim, TAC and RMS should be notified of any system outage issues.


  • TPTF to consider (1) Cost-Based offers in Transition Period to Nodal and (2) Implementation of Orders issued from Project 31540


  • Review of Market Guides (use, naming convention, authority)


  • Prepare a list of the advantages and disadvantages of Market Participants funding certain PRRs


  • Develop strawman for TAC consideration of Board Action items (Board oversight in Protocols and possibility of only sending PRRs with priority/ranking above cut line to Board)

TAC Leadership;

M. Walker; N Fehrenbach

  • TPTF to report back to TAC after NMMS business process document discussions with ROS and WMS.


  • Subcommittee Assignments for Nodal Action/Review (Responsible subcommittee to provide monthly status reports to TAC):
    • 3.1.1 ERCOT must work with the appropriate TAC Subcommittee to develop procedures for characterizing a Simple Transmission Outage.  (Priority: Low)
    • The appropriate TAC subcommittee shall establish a task force that is open to Market Participants, comprised of technical experts to develop a set of Telemetry Criteria consistent with the minimum requirements of the Protocols.  (Priority: High)
    •  3.10.9 The appropriate TAC subcommittee shall establish a task force that is open to Market Participants, comprised of technical experts to develop a State Estimator Performance Standard consistent with the minimum requirements of the Protocols.  (Priority: High)
    • 3.19(2) An appropriate subcommittee approved by TAC may develop an alternative list through the analysis described below for determining Competitive Constraints.  (Priority: Optional)
    •  3.19(3) The TAC Subcommittee shall perform the following analysis with the goal of developing an objective standard for determining Competitive Constraints.  (Priority: Optional)
    •  5.61(4) The process for determining the verifiable actual costs must be developed by ERCOT, approved by the appropriate TAC subcommittee.  (Priority: Low)
    •  5.6.3(3) The process for determining the verifiable actual costs for a startup attempt under paragraph (2) above must be developed by ERCOT, approved by the appropriate TAC subcommittee.  (Priority: Low)
    • ERCOT shall develop a methodology, subject to TAC approval, to determine the optimal frequency bias for given system conditions.  (Priority: Low)
    • ERCOT shall develop a procedure approved by TAC to deploy Resources providing Non-Spinning Reserve Service.  (Priority: Medium)
    • ERCOT shall develop a procedure for determining which Load Resources to interrupt and to equitably allocate Load Resources to one of two deployment stacks to enable a 50% deployment, which procedure must be approved in advance by TAC.  (Priority: Low)
    • 7.2.1 The appropriate TAC subcommittee shall establish a task force that is open to Market Participants, comprised of technical experts, to develop a naming convention for CRRs consistent with the requirements of the Protocols.  (Priority: Medium)
    • 8.0 In some instances Section 8 requires ERCOT to develop other performance measures that must be approved by the TAC.  (Priority: Medium)
























  • Determine whether co-optimization is feasible and beneficial to implement in the nodal wholesale market as approved by PUCT in Docket 31540.


  • BOD AI - Give enhanced input to the BOD on the appropriate level of the fee for 2007.


  • BOD AI - Develop a framework for determining whether to move ahead on future zonal market improvements.


  • Develop a contact list of persons responsible for implementation at each QSE for use in critical communications and escalations.


  • Review reserve margin calculation based on the following (1) previous year?s experience, (2) the forthcoming PUCT rulemaking on resource adequacy, and (3) issues raised by B Bojorquez in 5/4/06 CDR presentation to TAC. 


EECP Action Items:


  • Review of EECP Steps


  • Load forecasting methodology review forum


  • Review of Resource plans and how related to EECP event


  • Review of Settlement calculations specific to RPRS due to capacity insufficiency situation and OOM Replacement Reserve calculation


  • Review of LaaR performance during April EECP event and whether other interruptible load responded.


  • Communication review related to Emergency and Short Supply situations: When to communicate, what to communicate, to whom and how?


  • Review of scheduling of planned generation outages




Scheduled TAC Meetings

Key Documents

May 25, 2006 - doc - 118 KB
Jun 1, 2006 - zip - 408 KB
May 22, 2006 - doc - 174.5 KB
May 22, 2006 - doc - 126 KB
May 25, 2006 - ppt - 126.5 KB
May 24, 2006 - doc - 57 KB
Jun 1, 2006 - ppt - 113.5 KB
Jun 1, 2006 - ppt - 209.5 KB
May 25, 2006 - ppt - 98 KB
May 23, 2006 - ppt - 138 KB
May 24, 2006 - ppt - 36.5 KB
May 24, 2006 - ppt - 474 KB
May 26, 2006 - ppt - 18.5 KB
12. RPRS TAC Presentation
Updated May 31, 2006
May 31, 2006 - ppt - 64.5 KB
Jun 1, 2006 - xls - 25.5 KB
Jun 1, 2006 - ppt - 303.5 KB
May 24, 2006 - ppt - 63 KB
2006 Summer ERCOT CDR
Capacity, Demand & Reserves Report
Jun 1, 2006 - pdf - 11 KB
Jun 1, 2006 - zip - 1.4 MB
Jul 10, 2006 - doc - 160.5 KB

All information is posted as Public in accordance with the ERCOT Websites Content Management Corporate Standard.

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