TAC Meeting

November 03, 2005
09:30 AM - 04:00 PM
ERCOT Austin
8000 Metropolis (Building E), Suite 100
Austin, TX 78744
Rm. 206




Antitrust Admonition

R. Comstock

9:30 a.m.


Approval of the Draft October 6, 2005 TAC and Draft October 11, 2005 Special TAC Meeting Minutes (Vote)*

R. Comstock


9:35 a.m.


ERCOT Board Update

  • Remand of SCR 745 -- Retail Market Outage Evaluation and Resolution (Vote)*


R. Comstock


9:40 a.m.



Protocol Revisions Subcommittee Report *

  • Protocol Revision Requests
    • PRR598 -- Extension of Credit Against OOM Start Up (Vote)*
    • PRR 601 -- 15 Minute Ramping for BES and Base Power Schedule (Vote)*
    • PRR 602 -- Ancillary Service Obligation for DC Tie Exports (Vote)*
    • PRR619 - Day Ahead Procurement of LaaR for RRS (Vote)*
    • PRR620 - Notifying QSEs of their DBES Percentages (Vote)*
    • PRR621 - QSE Qualification Using Renewable Resources (Vote)*
    • PRR622 - Calculation of Marginal Heat Rate for Resources Receiving OOME Up Instructions (Vote)*
    • PRR 623 - Resource Plan Use for OOME Instructed Deviation (Vote)*
    • PRR624 - Clarification of Market Participant Default Language (Vote)*
    • PRR628 - ERCOT Operation Performance -- Non-Spinning Reserve Service Deployments (Vote)*
    • PRR 636 -- Texas SET Version 2.1 Customer Registration (Vote)*
    • PRR 637 -- Texas SET Version 2.1 Retail Point to Point Transactions (Vote)*
  • PRS Procedures (Vote)*
  • Update on Project Prioritization
  • Election of Steve Madden, StarTex Power (Independent REP Segment) as Vice Chair of PRS


K. Gresham


9:50 a.m.


Reliability and Operations Subcommittee Report*

  • OGRR 171 -- Testing of Quick Start Units in Balancing Energy Market (Vote)*
  • OGRR 175 -- Emergency Storm Drill Participation - URGENT (Vote)*
  • SCR 746 -- Dynamic Rating Data to TSP Using ICCP Link (Vote)*


R. Keetch


11:30 p.m.



Wholesale Market Subcommittee Report*

  • SCR 747 - Removal of Price Administration for Zonal Congestion (Vote)*
  • Potomac Recommendations Wrap Up Report

B. Helton


11:50  a.m.





12:00 p.m.


Commercial Operations Subcommittee Report*

  • Impacts of Hurricane Rita on Profiling and Settlement


BJ Flowers


1:00 p.m.


Retail Market Subcommittee Report*

  • RMGRR 026 -- TDSP to TDSP Customer Transition Process (Vote)*
  • RMGRR 029 -- Mass Customer Transition Process (Vote)*
  • RMGRR 030 -- Texas SET V2.1 Updates -- URGENT (Vote)*
  • Update on 2005 Annual Validation for Profiles of Residential ESI IDs


T. Weathersbee


1:30 p.m.



Update on ERCOT Nodal Readiness

R. Hinsley

2:00 p.m.



ERCOT Nodal Transition Plan (Vote)*


BJ Flowers

2:15  p.m.



Organization of the Transition Plan Task Force (Possible Vote)*


R. Comstock

2:45 p.m.


Market Participant Default -- Joint RMS/WMS Taskforce Detailed Update*


K. Hobbs


3:15  p.m.



Operations Update*


S. Jones

3:45 p.m.


Other Business

R. Comstock


4:30  p.m.




R. Comstock


4:30 p.m.


Future TAC Meetings

  • December 1, 2005




Scheduled TAC Meetings

Key Documents

Oct 27, 2005 - doc - 322 KB
Nov 2, 2005 - ppt - 105 KB
Oct 27, 2005 - ppt - 218 KB
Oct 27, 2005 - doc - 155 KB
Oct 27, 2005 - xls - 132.5 KB
Oct 27, 2005 - doc - 40.5 KB
Oct 25, 2005 - doc - 140.5 KB
Nov 1, 2005 - xls - 133.5 KB
Oct 31, 2005 - doc - 42.5 KB
Oct 31, 2005 - doc - 149.5 KB
Nov 1, 2005 - xls - 131.5 KB
Oct 31, 2005 - doc - 41.5 KB
Oct 31, 2005 - doc - 127 KB
Oct 31, 2005 - doc - 122 KB
Nov 2, 2005 - doc - 51.5 KB
Oct 31, 2005 - xls - 131.5 KB
Oct 31, 2005 - doc - 45.5 KB
Oct 31, 2005 - doc - 92 KB
Oct 14, 2005 - doc - 42 KB
Oct 27, 2005 - doc - 72 KB
Oct 14, 2005 - doc - 40.5 KB
Oct 27, 2005 - doc - 76.5 KB
Oct 4, 2005 - doc - 40 KB
Oct 25, 2005 - doc - 92.5 KB
Oct 14, 2005 - doc - 40.5 KB
Oct 25, 2005 - doc - 71.5 KB
Oct 14, 2005 - doc - 39.5 KB
Oct 27, 2005 - doc - 133 KB
Oct 27, 2005 - doc - 85.5 KB
Oct 14, 2005 - doc - 40 KB
Oct 14, 2005 - doc - 41.5 KB
Oct 25, 2005 - doc - 98.5 KB
Oct 25, 2005 - doc - 92 KB
Oct 14, 2005 - doc - 42 KB
Oct 27, 2005 - doc - 79 KB
Oct 27, 2005 - doc - 312.5 KB
Nov 3, 2005 - ppt - 270.5 KB
Oct 4, 2005 - doc - 40 KB
Oct 27, 2005 - doc - 62.5 KB
Oct 17, 2005 - doc - 41 KB
Nov 3, 2005 - ppt - 137.5 KB
Oct 31, 2005 - xls - 131.5 KB
Oct 31, 2005 - doc - 50 KB
Oct 31, 2005 - doc - 69 KB
Nov 3, 2005 - ppt - 54.5 KB
Nov 3, 2005 - ppt - 64 KB
Oct 31, 2005 - doc - 40.5 KB
Oct 31, 2005 - doc - 58 KB
Oct 31, 2005 - xls - 133 KB
Oct 27, 2005 - ppt - 117 KB
Oct 27, 2005 - xls - 110 KB
Oct 27, 2005 - doc - 53.5 KB
Oct 25, 2005 - doc - 366.5 KB
Oct 27, 2005 - doc - 38 KB
Oct 27, 2005 - doc - 287.5 KB
Oct 14, 2005 - doc - 46 KB
Oct 27, 2005 - doc - 142 KB
Nov 1, 2005 - ppt - 334.5 KB
Nov 2, 2005 - ppt - 3.5 MB
Nov 4, 2005 - zip - 6.8 MB

All information is posted as Public in accordance with the ERCOT Websites Content Management Corporate Standard.

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