PRS Meeting

March 22, 2007
09:30 AM - 04:00 PM
ERCOT Austin
8000 Metropolis (Building E), Suite 100
Austin, TX 78744
Dial-In: 512.225.7280
Dial-In Code: 4643



Antitrust Admonition

K. Gresham


Approval of Minutes (Vote)

February 22, 2007

K. Gresham


Urgency Votes (Possible Vote)

K. Gresham


TAC and Board Reports (Possible Vote)

TAC Action Items:

  •  Process for post-nodal implementation of NPRRs
  •  Cut-off date/ pens down for all PRRs related to the wholesale market.
  •  Appeals process - Define process for an appeal to the Board answering the following questions: (1) Can an appeal be based on information not shared with PRS/TAC? (2) Should there be an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) like step? And, (3) How do you provide for a two-sided debate?
  •  Companion NPRRs to PRRs.

K. Gresham


Project Update and Summary of Project Priority List (PPL) Activity to Date

T. Anderson


Review of Recommendation Report, Impact Analysis and Cost/Benefit Analysis (Vote)

PRR701, Enabling of Stranded Capacity During Alerts - URGENT. 

PRR706, Provisional Qualification for Ancillary Services

PRR707, Prioritization and Timing of Transactions Based Upon PRR672 Collaborative Analysis and Retry Process for 814_20s

PRR708, Data Provided by ERCOT to TDSPs



Project Prioritization (Vote)

Appropriate PRRs from Item No. 6.



Review of PRR Language (Vote)

PRR705, Emergency Interruptible Load Service (EILS) - Interim Option - URGENT

PRR709, Scarcity Pricing Mechanism

PRR710, Validation Tests Update

PRR711, Update of ERCOT Protocols to Comply with NERC Name Change

PRR712, Local Congestion Replacement Reserve Payment Methodology

PRR713, Resource Outage Notification



Review of NPRR Language (Vote)

NPRR040, Synchronization of Emergency Electric Curtailment Plan (EECP) Event Realignment

NPRR041, Corrections to Section 4, Day-Ahead Operations

NPRR042, Corrections to Section 5, Transmission Security Analysis and Reliability Unit Commitment

NPRR043, Corrections to Section 7, Congestion Revenue Rights

NPRR044, Corrections to Section 6, Adjustment Period and Real-Time Operations

NPRR045, Wind Power Forecasting

NPRR046, Real-Time ICCP Communication Only

NPRR047, Credit Monitoring - ERCOT Staff Clarification

NPRR048, Revised Wording of Opportunity Outages for Transmission Facilities

NPRR049, Generation Subsystem Changes to Incorporate Approved Whitepapers

NPRR050, Clarification for HSL Values and WGR Values to be Used in the RUC Capacity Short Calculation

NPRR051, Removal of the Pseudo Resources Requirements in the Real Time Security Constrained Economic Dispatch (SCED) Process

NPRR052, Settlement for Non-Modeled Generators

NPRR053, Creation of a New Trading Hub at Venus Station

NPRR054, Update of Nodal Protocols to Comply with NERC Name Change - Companion to PRR711



Other Business

Scheduled PRS Meetings

Key Documents

Mar 15, 2007 - zip - 1.1 MB
Mar 15, 2007 - doc - 92 KB
Apr 26, 2007 - doc - 140.5 KB
Mar 20, 2007 - ppt - 43.5 KB
Mar 21, 2007 - ppt - 601.5 KB
Mar 15, 2007 - doc - 120 KB
Mar 19, 2007 - ppt - 99 KB

All information is posted as Public in accordance with the ERCOT Websites Content Management Corporate Standard.

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