Planning Guide Revision Requests


PGRR100 Steady-State Case Building Timeline Update
PGRR101 Related to NPRR1133, Clarify Responsibilities for Submission of Planning Model Data for DC Ties
PGRR102 Dynamic Operation Model Improvement
PGRR103 Establish Time Limit for Generator Commissioning Following Approval to Synchronize
PGRR104 Related to NPRR1157, Incorporation of PUCT Approval into Revision Request Process
PGRR108 Related to NPRR1183, ECEII Definition Clarification and Updates to Posting Rules for Certain Documents without ECEII
PGRR109 Dynamic Model Review Process Improvement for Inverter-Based Resource (IBR) Modification
PGRR110 Revision to Accommodate Steady-State Node-Breaker Modeling


PGRR106 Clarify Projects Included in Transmission Project Information and Tracking (TPIT) Report
PGRR107 Related to NPRR1180, Inclusion of Forecasted Load in Planning Analyses
PGRR112 Dynamic Data Model and Full Interconnection Study (FIS) Deadline for Quarterly Stability Assessment
PGRR113 Related to NPRR1198, Congestion Mitigation Using Topology Reconfigurations
PGRR114 Related to NPRR1212, Clarification of Distribution Service Provider’s Obligation to Provide an ESI ID
PGRR115 Related to NPRR1234, Interconnection Requirements for Large Loads and Modeling Standards for Loads 25 MW or Greater
PGRR116 Related to NPRR1240, Access to Transmission Planning Information


PGRR105 Deliverability Criteria for DC Tie Imports
PGRR111 Related to NPRR1191, Registration, Interconnection, and Operation of Customers with Large Loads; Information Required of Customers with Loads 25 MW or Greater