System Change Requests (SCRs)
# Title Description Date Posted Sponsor Urgent Protocol Sections Current Status Effective Date(s)
SCR700 Date Changes on Move-Ins Allow a DTM ( date time reference) segment to be added to the 814_13 that will allow the TDSP to respond to a date change request with a different date than the requested date. The 814_13 will flow from the TDSP to ERCOT and ERCOT will forward the information to the CR. 01/25/2002 No Approved
SCR701 814_05 to CR with reject Status ERCOT will forward 814_04 ASI U (reject status) to the CR in the 814_05 ASI U (reject status) 01/25/2002 Reliant Energy Approved
SCR702 Ad-Hoc Historical Usage Response Flow ERCOT will stop creating the 814_27 response. The TDSP will create the 814_27 response and forward to ERCOT and ERCOT will forward to the CR. 01/25/2002 Reliant Energy Approved
SCR703 ERCOT Purge of Move-In when permit never received ERCOT system to recognize an 814_28 notification from the TDSP that a permit is require. If the switch is still pending 20 days later, then use the 814_08 to cancel the move-in. Use the permit not removed notification segment in the 814_08. Track the cancellations for this reason separate from switches that are timed out. 02/04/2002 ERCOT Approved
SCR704 Stacked Move-Ins Enhance the ERCOT Web Portal to include the viewing of pending move-in and move-out transactions and the future effective dates. Modify the use of the "Not First In" reject reason on the move-in transactions. Not First In should only be valid on a Move In that is requested earlier than the pending Move In date. If the Requested Move In date is requested for LATER than the pending Move In date, the Move In should be allowed to pass and schedule. This change allows for sequential stacking of Move Ins. 01/25/2002 Reliant Energy Approved
SCR715 814_25 to CR with reject Status ERCOT will forward 814_25 ASI U (reject status) to the CR in the 814_25 ASI U (reject status). The ASI is a segment in the EDI transaction. The ASI segment identifies if the transaction is an accept œW€? or a rejecâUâ€?. The problem and resolution follows the same logic and methodology as SCR 701. 701 deals with Move Ins, this SCR deals with Move Outs, but has the same functionality. Basically, there is no way to communicate to the CR if the TDSP rejects the Move Out request (814_24) from ERCOT. 03/15/2002 Reliant Energy Approved
SCR716 MC TDSP Consolidated Billing Option This SCR would require ERCOT to pass a DTM~649 on an 867_03. 04/04/2002 ERCOT Approved
SCR717 FTP Replacement Project – Phase 2 Add GISB EDM (version 1.6) functionality to the existing Message Broker system implemented during phase 1 of the FTP Replacement project. 04/22/2002 ERCOT Approved
SCR718 Real Time Interzonal Congestion Monitoring New screen on the ERCOT Portal with actual real-time flow, flow limits, and MVARs for all ERCOT-monitored Interzonal elements that comprise the four CSCs and their respective CREs. Further, the screen is to be dynamic so as to allow the ERCOT Operators to indicate the specific element(s) (CSC, CRE, or other) to which the ERCOT Operators are currently constraining. The screen should be updated as often as necessary to provide market participants with relevant data regarding lack of, imminent or actual Interzonal congestion. The data could presumably be culled from the œReal-Time Transmission Constraints Limits Scree€? currently used by ERCOT Operators. All CSCs and their related CREs should be constantly displayed on the new screen, with the element to which ERCOT is constraining identified by a different color. No local congestion data is to be communicated to market participants via the proposed screen. 05/14/2002 Dynegy Power Marketing, Inc., Reliant Energy Inc. Approved
SCR719 Transmission Clearance Times Add scheduled beginning and ending times to posted proposed and approved transmission clearances. The present postings include only the beginning and ending dates. Clearances are posted at the following two addresses: 05/24/2002 TXU Energy Trading Approved
SCR720 Forecasted Net Zonal Energy and Actual Zonal Generation Forecasted Net Zonal Energy - information will be available for each 15-minute interval of the upcoming Operating Period, one hour prior to the start of each Operating Period (or on whatever timeline ERCOT runs its short-term load forecasting routine to update its forecasted load). The information should be based on ERCOT™s Forecasted Zonal Aggregate Load and ERCO€™s trend of aggregate zonal generation. Separately, the Working Group is also requesting that ERCOT make available a written description of the methodology, including distribution factors, used in converting from Load Areas to Zones. Actual Zonal Generation - This information will be available in real-time on the same timeline as other information regarding frequency control that is already being provided by ERCOT (i.e., every few seconds). This information will be based on SCADA data. 06/11/2002 Reliant Approved
SCR721 Market Information Notification by XML CSC Shadow Price “ ERCOT to make available via XML notification (push) at the same time ERCOT determines to deploy zonal balancing energy to mitigate zonal congestion. If more than one CSC is constrained in a 15-minute interval, the shadow price for each constrained CSC will be provided. Currently available on portal and accessible day or so later via spreadsheet download. CSC Zonal Limit (OC1) - This value, for each CSC, will also be available via XML query in real-time, every 15-minutes, for the relevant interval (currently the interval ending 45 minutes later) whether or not the CSC is constrained. This value may not be the same as the CSC Monitored Limit. Currently available on portal and accessible day or so later via spreadsheet download. Forecasted CSC Loading (Sched Impacts) - This information will be available via XML query in real-time, every 15 minutes, for the relevant future interval (currently the interval ending 45 minutes later), whether or not there is, or is forecasted to be, zonal congestion. ERCOT labels this information as€œMW loadiâ€?. Actually, the information is better described “MW Scheduled Imptsâ€? since it does not reflect the forecasted or actual CSC loading. ERCOT may re-label this item accordingly. Currently available on portal and accessible day or so later via spreadsheet download. Zonal Portfolio BES Deployment Quantities (Both Step 1 and Category 1 Deployments) - Both of these items will be available via XML query in real-time, every 15 minutes, for the relevant future interval (currently the interval ending 45 minutes later), whether or not there is, or forecasted to be, zonal congestion. The Step 1 quantities will correspond to the zonal MCPEs that are currently provided by ERCOT in each 15-minute interval. Scheduled Zonal Generation - Day-Ahead scheduled generation aggregated by zone, and made available at approximately 11am the day prior to the Operating Day and updated hourly throughout the Adjustment Period. This information will be available via XML query. Total System Incremental (up) Regulation Deployments - The 15-minute integral of this information will be available via XML query immediately following each 15-minute interval. Total System Decremental (down) Regulation Deployments - The 15-minute integral of this information will be available via XML query immediately following each 15-minute interval. Forecasted and Historical Load by Load Areas - This information will be available via XML query for each 15-minute interval of the upcoming Operating Period, one hour prior to the start of each Operating Period (or on whatever timeline ERCOT runs its short-term load forecasting routine to update its forecasted load). The forecasted information should be based on ERCOT's own forecast of aggregate zonal loads, irrespective of QSE schedules. This is information in addition tohe “Short Term Load Focastâ€?, by zone. Forecasted Net Zonal Energy – This information will be available via XML query for each 15-minute interval of the upcoming Operating Period, one hour prior to the start of each Operating Period (or on whatever timeline ERCOT runs its short-term load forecasting routine to update its forecasted load). The information should be based ERCOT’s Forecasted Zonal Aggregate Load d ERCOT’s trend of actual aggregate zonal generation. The Working Group is also requesting that ERCOT make available the methodology, including distribution factors, used in converting from Load Areas to Zones. Actual Zonal Generation - This information will be available via XML query in real-time on the same timeline as other information regarding frequency control that is already being provided by ERCOT (i.e., every few seconds). This information will be based on SCADA data. Zonally Aggregated BES Bid Curvesstrong> – For those 15-minute settlement intervals in which ERCOT is managing CSC congestion (i.e., intervals in which there is at least one non-zero CSC shadow price due to CSC congestion management), ERCOT will make available, via XML query within 15 days after the operating day, zonal aggregates of up balancing energy service (UBES) bid prices and quantities for each settlement interval and zonal aggregates of down balancing energy service (DBES) bid prices and quantities for each settlement interval. 06/17/2002 Reliant Approved
SCR722 Aggregate Zonal Unit-Specific Incremental (up) Deployments by Category, including zonal aggregate OOM Deployments, and Aggregate Zonal Unit-Specific Decremental (down) Deployments by Category, including zonal aggregate OOM Deployments. Aggregate Zonal Unit-Specific Incremental (up) Deployments by Category, including zonal aggregate OOM deployments. This information will be available in real-time via portal posting and XML query, every 15 minutes, for the relevant future interval (currently the interval ending 35 minutes later), whether or not there is, or forecasted to be, zonal or local congestion. Aggregate Zonal Unit-Specific Decremental (down) Deployments by Category, including zonal aggregate OOM deployments. This information will be provided in real-time via portal posting and XML query, every 15 minutes, for the relevant future interval (currently the interval ending 35 minutes later), whether or not there is, or forecasted to be, zonal or local congestion. 06/17/2002 Reliant Approved
SCR723 Remote Access to ERCOT Network Applications Add hardware, software, and required license to enable Transmission Operators to access the ERCOT network analysis software remotely through the ERCOT WAN. Implement secure access to the network applications that will insure that only authorized Transmission Operators will have access. 08/23/2002 Oncor Approved
SCR724 Left-In-Hot CSV Process Modify the existing Affiliate REP (AREP) process to meet the needs of the œLEFT-IN-HO€? process. TDSP submits a CSV file to ERCOT. ERCOT performs validation against data in Siebel/Lodestar Rejections are returned to the TDSP with specific error remarks Valid submissions change the ESI ID to active with the Affiliate REP 09/16/2002 ERCOT Yes Approved
SCR725 ERCOT Settlement Estimation Transparency With each Settlement Statement, ERCOT must provide information regarding the Load estimation required because of missing metered volumes. Information for ERCOT-wide estimation, represented REPs estimation, and their specific QSEs estimation. 09/17/2002 TXU Approved
SCR726 Schedule Mismatch Notification and Query Usability Modify Mismatch Notification XML message and œQuery for Schedule Mismatch Message€? to include three additional fields: Resource / Obligation (flag to represent type) Zone MW 11/14/2002 TXU Approved
SCR727 ESI-ID Service History & Usage Extracts Service History Extract Within a REPs ESI ID Service History Extract, ERCOT would provide information regarding all the ESI IDs assigned to that REP, their service history with the current REP, their Load Profile and other characteristics necessary for the REP to be able to estimate load for settlement. This extract would also allow the TDSPs to validate the EDI documentation previously sent to ERCOT. The following is an example of the data elements that are required: ESI-ID INFORMATION (IDR & Non-IDR customers) CUSTOMER_ID ELECTRIC_SERVICE_IDENTIFIER START_TIME STOP_TIME TRANSACTION_DATE ESIID_SERVICE_HISTORY (IDR & Non-IDR customers) CUSTOMER__ID DISPATCHFL SERVICECODE METER_READER_CODE START_TIME T_AND_D_PROVIDER_CODE STOP_TIME REGIONCODE RETAIL_PROVIDER_CODE DISPATCHASSETCODE STATION_CODE STATUS PROFILE_CLASS_CODE ZIP LOSS_CODE POWER_GENERATOR_CODE TRANSACTION_DATE DISPATCH_TYPE Usage Extracts ERCOT will make available ESI ID Usage Extracts to provide REPs and TDSPs information to validate the actual usage ERCOT has received from TDSPs and uses for settlement. Within an Initial ESI-ID Usage Extract for a REP, ERCOT must provide all usage information loaded into ERCOT™s Settlement system for ESI IDs assigned to the REP from the date of the request through the earliest Trade Date requiring True-Up Settlement. A daily REP ESI ID Usage Extract would provide the usage information received by ERCOT and loaded into its Settlement system for a day. This extract would be used by the REP or TDSP to append to the REP Initial Usage Extract in order to compile a complete record of usage data existing in ERCO€™s Settlement system. The following is an example of the data elements that are required: ESIID_USAGE (Non-IDR Meter Information) CUSTOMER_ID TOTAL START_TIME ON_PEAK STOP_TIME OFF_PEAK BILLING_MONTH MDPK METER_READ_STATUS SPK USAGE_DAILY_AVERAGE GLOBPROCID TRANSACTION_DATE TIMESTAMP METER_TYPE IDR_USAGE_HEADER (IDR Meter Information) INTERVAL_DATA_ID DSTPARTICIPANT CUSTOMER_ID ORIGIN (Indicates Meter or Profiled) RECORDER ACCEPTREJECTSTATUS MARKET_INTERVAL DESCRIPTOR START_TIME TIMESTAMP STOP_TIME COUNT SECONDS_PER_INTERVAL TRANSACTION_DATE MEASUREMENT_UNITS_CODE IDR_USAGE_DATA (IDR Meter Information) INTERVAL_DATA_ID TRANSACTION_DATE TRADE_DATE 15 MINUTE INTERVAL READ VALUE (Meter Read value would show estimated and actual values) 12/13/2002 Reliant Energy Approved
SCR728 Display ERCOT Deployments Display ERCOT Total Aggregated Balancing Energy Deployment, Total Aggregated Responsive Deployment, Total Aggregated Non-Spin Deployment, ERCOT SCE and ERCOT Responsive Reserve on the ERCOT Real-Time public web. 03/04/2003 TXU Energy Approved
SCR729 Generating Unit Information New screen should be made available on the ERCOT Portal, which indicates current and projected unit generation information. This should include Economic generation, as well as Out Of Merit (OOM) and any other non-economic generation, scheduled for the current and next day™s operations. In addition, this information should also be made available in ASCII format for downloading into transmission application study programs. 03/18/2003 Oncor - Transmission Grid Management Approved
SCR730 Market Operations Test Environment for Wholesale Market Participants The Market Operations Test Environment will enable interface and business testing for the market. This system change will allow both ERCOT and Market Participants to run simulations concurrently. 07/10/2003 TXU Yes Approved
SCR731 Automate the Implementation of MCSM Automate the process for adjusting the Market Clearing Price of Energy as directed in Section, Balancing Energy Clearing Price, item (2) and subject the adjusted clearing price to the same requirements as any unadjusted clearing price (i.e. post the adjusted price pursuant to Section 4.6, Operating Period Process, item (5) and Section, Creation of the Balancing Energy Bid Stack, item (5)) 11/17/2003 Reliant Resources Approved
SCR732 Enhancements to FasTrak Process FasTrak is the retail transaction issue resolution tool. However, the system currently in place does not include the capability to track issues by variables such as ESI ID or TDSP, and does not allow determination of issue aging. In addition, the tool cannot be queried and interfacing with the tool is somewhat cumbersome. The FasTrak tool needs to be made more user friendly and enhanced with features that will allow issues to be better tracked and manipulated by Market Participants for purposes of better managing the retail transaction issue resolution process. 11/25/2003 Green Mountain Energy Company Approved
SCR733 Zonal Instructed Deviation (ZID) and Offline calculations Modify ERCOT™s Settlements and Billing Extract to keep the integrity of a QS€™s Real Time operational data such as deployments to the QSE from ERCOT. Include bill determinants that are used in calculating offline adjustments. 03/01/2004 CenterPoint Energy Approved
SCR734 CSA Report for CRs Allow CR™s the ability to request an extract of CSA information for their DUNS. Output the following fields: ESI ID CR DUNS Number TDSP DUNS Number Relationship Type (CSA) Status Service Begin Date Service End Date Created Last Updated Comments Incorporate the following attributes: Ability to request on-demand from the Portal Limit output to the DUNS of the requestor (as defined by their digital certificate) Post output file in CSV format to market participant folder in Report Explorer Require requestor to input the following parameters: Start and Stop dates 05/03/2004 TXU Energy Approved
SCR735 RRS Calculation for Hydro Units in Synchronous Condenser Mode The ERCOT market clearing engine, which performs Resource Plan Validation and the Hour-Ahead Study, and clears the Real Time Balancing Energy Market, should be modified to allocate Responsive Reserve Service according to the ERCOT Operating Guides to hydro units operating in synchronous condenser mode. 05/27/2004 Lower Colorado River Authority Approved
SCR736 TML – ESIID TXN Portal Flag Append a data Flag of œ€? to the Transaction Type number to indicate when a displayed transaction was generated and transmitted through the Texas Market Link portal by Market Participants, rather than being generated by Market Participa’s system and transmitted in the Market via GISB.< 07/08/2004 TXU Portfolio Management Approved
SCR737 Estimated Meter Read Data Create a calendar month, summary report to be presented at RMS that will provide Market Participants with estimated meter reading information broken-down by TDSP territory and indicating customer class. This report will also indicate the degree to which meter reads occur consecutively across two or more months and the degree to which estimates may straddle Move-Ins and Move-In/Forced Outs. This report will be run on the first day of each month and will include the following summary level detail: TDSP Duns Premise Type (Residential, Small Non-Residential) Load Profile Number of Consecutive Months “ Interval of 3 or more and 6 or more months By Business Process Type (All MVIs and MVI/Forced Outs) Count Total per Business Process Type Summarized Total for All Italicized items above are secondary requirements and could be removed if too costly. 08/02/2004 TXU Electric Delivery Approved
SCR738 Enhancements to FasTrak Tools FasTrak is the retail transaction issue resolution tool. However, the system currently in place does not include the capability to track issues by variables such as ESI ID or TDSP, and does not allow determination of issue aging. In addition, the tool cannot be queried and interfacing with the tool is somewhat cumbersome. The FasTrak tool needs to be made more user friendly and enhanced with features that will allow issues to be better tracked and manipulated by Market Participants for purposes of better managing the retail transaction issue resolution process. 08/10/2004 TXU Energy No Approved
SCR739 Pending Load Loss Report for CRs Output the following fields: ESI ID CR DUNS Number TDSP DUNS Number Status Reason Service Period End Date Incorporate the following attributes: Limit output to the DUNS of the losing CR (where the gaining CR is not the losing CR) Post output file in CSV format to market participant folder in Report Explorer 08/13/2004 TXU Energy No Approved
SCR740 Enhancements to SCR727 Extracts Suggested modifications include, but are not limited to: Providing usage to CRs for backdated LSE Relationship Changes Including a file name or number in order to identify the order in which SCR727 files should be loaded by the MP Auditing capabilities to allow MPs the function to confirm the accuracy of their extracts Ability to link a dB change back to the source of the change (i.e. FasTrak issue, batch processing) 08/13/2004 Direct Energy Approved
SCR741 Multi-Day Scheduling Capability The essence of the request is for ERCOT to set up a data repository that can receive balanced schedules for future operating days for which a market has not yet been opened. As ERCOT opens markets each day the relevant data from the repository would be pulled into ERCOT’s EMMS system. Basic requirements: Allow submission of balanced schedules up to 7 days prior to operating day Clearing should remain limited to the next operating day (as we do currently), unless ERCOT needs to clear a two Day Ahead market for reliability reasons. The expectation is that this data is not validated until it is pulled from the repository into the EMMS system. 08/20/2004 Entergy Solutions No Rejected
SCR742 Automated Retail Transaction Verification A list of functional requirements has been developed by the Texas Test Plan Team (TTPT) for tools that support the market in testing retail transactions in an automated fashion. These requirements have been broken into 3 functional groups. Transaction Validation File Transfer Protocol Requirements Transaction Samples 03/01/2005 Approved
SCR743 QSE Dispute Extract QSE Dispute Extract: Dispute ID Trade Date Statement ID (Stmt ID 1 “ 12) Transaction Date & Time Stamp (Published Date of Extract) QSE Name QSE Contact Name QSE Submission Date (Transaction Date, Time Stamp) Dispute Status (Not Started, Open, Closed, Withdrawn, Rejected) Dispute Status Assignment Date Dispute Resolution (Granted, Granted w/ Exceptions, Denied) Dispute Resolution Assignment Date Dispute Type Dispute Sub Type Dispute Charge Type Start Interval End Interval Dispute Amount Resolution Amount Short Description Long Description Attachment Submitted (Y/N) ERCOT Resolution Comment 05/02/2005 TXU Energy Approved
SCR744 Outage Scheduler View Only Access Add view only access functionality to authority options for the User Security Administrator (USA) 05/02/2005 Reliant Energy Approved
SCR745 Retail Market Outage Evaluation and Resolution In an effort to promote system reliability for the Retail Market by significantly reducing ERCOT System Outages, a technical resolution is needed. To ensure the technical recommendations in this SCR sufficiently accomplish the intention, ERCOT IT should produced a full evaluation of ERCOT systems, and a full evaluation of internal processes associated with those systems such that Retail Market Participants will be able to select the best cost-based solution able to reduce and/or eliminate ERCOT system outages. 05/12/2005 TXU Electric Delivery Yes Approved
SCR746 Dynamic Rating Data to TSP Using ICCP Link Provide transmission element dynamic rating data used by ERCOT to the TSP of the facility through the ICCP link. 06/29/2005 City of Garland Approved
SCR747 Removal of Price Administration for Zonal Congestion Eliminate violation on Commercially Significant Constraints (CSCs) as a trigger for Price Administration in the Real Time Balancing Market Clearing Engine (also known as Scheduling, Pricing and Dispatching (SPD)). Instead of triggering Price Administration when a CSC is violated, SPD should allow the Shadow Price to be equal to the Penalty Factor for OC1 congestion, currently $2,500. 08/01/2005 Constellation Energy Commodities Group No Approved
SCR748 Website Enhancements for ERCOT Outage Notifications To add functionality on the ERCOT website for: Calendar of dates/times for planned outages affecting retail; Location on site indicating outage in progress “ for unplanned; Log of outages; Ability to contact ERCOT when a MP discovers an ERCOT unplanned outage in progress 03/16/2006 Texas Data Transport Working Group No Approved
SCR749 MarkeTrakEnhancements The MarkeTrak tool is a web based database application used to track, manage, and store data utilized by ERCOT and the Market Participants (MPs). This tool is the supported method to track ERCOT Retail market issue management and data discrepancies in the market. To add functionality on the MarkeTrak Issue Resolution Tool for: o Increased usability o Improved workflow of MarkeTrak Issues o Increased reporting functionality 05/17/2007 Jennifer Garcia on behalf of MMWG No NA Approved
SCR750 Upgrade ERCOT’s Systems so Users Can Upgrade to Internet Explorer 7.0 and Beyond This System Change Request (SCR) proposes an upgrade to ERCOT’s Systems so users are able to use Internet Explorer 7.0 and future versions of Internet Explorer to interact with ERCOT. 09/26/2008 CenterPoint Energy No Not Applicable. Withdrawn
SCR751 Nodal -- Power Balance Shadow Price Cap Curve for SCED (formerly titled "Nodal -- Shadow Price Cap") This System Change Request (SCR) will convert the power balance penalty from a fixed value to a curve that is applied on a MW basis. 10/30/2008 Marguerite Wagner on behalf of the Congestion Management Working Group (CMWG) Yes Not Applicable. Approved
SCR752 Nodal: Allow QSEs to Enter Outages for All Assets The ABB security software needs to accommodate a Qualified Scheduling Entity (QSE) security role that allows the QSE to enter Outage information for all of its Transmission Elements. To enter Outage information for Transmission Elements, the current ABB software would allow the QSE to view all transmission planning information. This is too broad and violates rules already in place. 11/04/2008 The Transition Plan Task Force (TPTF) No Not applicable. Withdrawn
SCR753 Transmission Outage Notice Detail Enhancements This System Change Request (SCR) proposes to enhance ERCOT’s publishing of transmission Outage detail by requesting the publication of additional data which exists in the ERCOT database. 11/21/2008 Reliant Energy No None. Approved
SCR754 Replace Email Delivery of WGRPP Forecasts (formerly "WGRPP Forecasts Posted on Zonal TML") In accordance with Protocol Section 4.4.15, QSE Resource Plans, ERCOT shall produce renewable production potential forecasts for Wind-powered Generation Resources (WGRs) to be used as the planned operating level in the Resource Plan during Replacement Reserve Service (RPRS) procurements. Upon approval of PRR763, Use of WGRPP as Planned Operating Level in Day-Ahead Resource Plan for WGRs, ERCOT implemented the WGR Production Potential (WGRPP) forecast without delay by having the WGRPP forecasting service email forecasts directly to each WGR Qualified Scheduling Entity (QSE). The email process proved to cause unacceptable delivery delays and errors for QSEs. This System Change Request (SCR) proposes to provide a secure and programmatic means to supply the WGR QSEs with their forecasts by: o Provide WGR QSEs their forecasts through the zonal Extensible Markup Language (XML) Market User Interface (MUI). o A WGR QSE can obtain its current forecasts by submitting a query through the zonal XML MUI. o This will be through a query as specified in the "ERCOT Participant Interface: XML" document. o Past forecasts will not be available after each hour. o ERCOT may restrict the frequency of these queries to protect system availability. 12/23/2008 ERCOT Yes N/A Approved
SCR755 Website Enhancements This System Change Request (SCR) requests for ERCOT to apply needed improvements to the ERCOT website identified as a result of ERCOT’s request to the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) and other Subcommittees to help identify desired improvements to the ERCOT website. 02/25/2009 CCWG No Approved
SCR756 Enhancements to the MarkeTrak Application The MarkeTrak tool is a web based database application used to track and manage issues identified by Market Participants and ERCOT. This tool is the supported method to resolve retail transaction problems and data discrepancies. This System Change Request (SCR) will add functionality to the MarkeTrak Issue Resolution Tool to: Improve and standardize Market Participant administration functions; Implement ERCOT validations requested by the MarkeTrak Task Force (MTTF); and Redesign the workflows to leverage potential vendor upgrades to the MarkeTrak application. 05/06/2009 Monica Jones, Carolyn Reed and Jonathan Landry on behalf of the MarketTrak Task Force No Not applicable. Approved
SCR757 Real-Time Wind Production By Zone On the Real-Time data page, ERCOT should begin posting the amount of wind output by Congestion management zone. This would be in addition to the total wind output for the entire ERCOT System that is currently being posted. 09/08/2009 AEPEnergy Partners No NA Withdrawn
SCR758 Enhancements to the Proposed Transmission Outage Report This System Change Request (SCR) proposes to continue to enhance ERCOT’s publishing of transmission Outage details as started with SCR753, Transmission Outage Notice Detail Enhancements, by requesting the publication of additional data which exists in the ERCOT database. 12/07/2009 Mark Garrrett on behalf of Direct Energy No Not applicable. Approved
SCR759 acLineSegment Name Length Increase in Information Model Manager This System Change Request (SCR) proposes to increase the allowable character size of the acLineSegment type under the Line Equipment Container from two to 14 in the Information Model Manager. 05/27/2010 SSWG No N/A Approved
SCR760 Recommended Changes Needed for Information Model Manager and Topology Processor for Planning Models This System Change Request (SCR) proposes changes to the Information Model Manager and Topology Processor to fix a number of deficiencies with the proposed Annual Planning Model creation process. 11/04/2010 Wesley Woitt on behalf of the SSWG Yes Changes to the Information Model Manager and Topology Processor Approved
SCR761 Provide Price Republication Notifications via API and Provide Price Corrections via XML This System Change Request (SCR) requires ERCOT to: Provide Application Programmatic Interface (API) notification of all republished corrected prices; and Always publish all price corrections in Extensible Markup Language (XML) format using the same XML Schema Definition (XSD) that it is using for the regular price publication. 02/23/2011 DTE Energy No Approved
SCR762 Enable a Single Step Cancel/Resubmit of Trades This System Change Request (SCR) modifies the Market Management System (MMS) such that submission of a trade that has already been confirmed causes the confirmed trade to be overwritten by the new submission and marked as unconfirmed. 03/14/2011 ERCOT No NA Approved
SCR763 Modify COP Validation Rule for RRS This System Change Request (SCR) modifies the existing Current Operating Plan (COP) validation to use the highest Emergency Ramp Rate value from the registered Emergency Ramp Rate curve as an input to the COP validation check of Responsive Reserve (RRS) responsibility. 03/14/2011 ERCOT No Approved
SCR764 Public Access to Select MIS Dashboards This System Change Request (SCR) proposes system changes to allow public access to a graphical view of non-confidential system conditions and pricing information for the following MIS Dashboards: Load Forecast vs. Actual LMP Contour Map SCED Up/DownThis SCR corresponds to system changes proposed by Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) 329, Security Classification Changes for Extracts/Reports. 04/07/2011 Jackie Ashbaugh on behalf of the MIS User Group Yes Approved
SCR765 Public Aggregated Wind Dashboard This SCR proposes the development of a new wind aggregated dashboard available to the public that displays the following on both the system-wide and regional level in graphical form: Aggregate Wind-powered Generation Resource (WGR) Power Output Aggregate Short-term Wind Power Forecast (STWPF), from both the current and Day-Ahead Aggregate Wind-powered Generation Resource Production Potential (WGRPP), from both the current and Day-Ahead Aggregate Current Operating Plan (COP) High Sustained Limits (HSLs) for On-line WGRs, from both the current and Day-Ahead System-wide and regional WGR output data would also be displayed on the dashboard. These values will update with each Security-Constrained Economic Dispatch (SCED) run and represent a current snapshot of the aggregate WGR output. 04/18/2011 Jackie Ashbaugh on behalf of the MIS Users Group Yes Approved
SCR766 Load Zone and Hub LMPs Distributed by ICCP (formerly "Load Zone Price Distributed by ICCP") This System Change Request (SCR) allows the price data to be transferred to the Energy Management System (EMS) for distribution over Inter-Control Center Communications Protocol (ICCP) links, as soon as the five-minute Load Zone and Hub prices are calculated in Real-Time. 04/18/2011 Alice Jackson for the Demand Side Working Group (DSWG) on behalf of WMS No NA Approved
SCR767 Non-Spin Deployment Criteria This System Change Request (SCR) adds the ability to deploy all On-Line Non-Spinning Reserve (Non-Spin). 11/02/2011 ERCOT No Withdrawn
SCR768 Automatic Non-Spin Redeployment and Deployment Based on Resource Availability This System Change Request (SCR) modifies the Market Management System (MMS) Automatic Redeployment function such that it accounts for the delay involved in deployment of Off-Line Non-Spinning Reserve (Non-Spin) Resources. 11/02/2011 ERCOT No Approved
SCR769 CRRAH Digital Certificate New Role for Read Only Access This System Change Request (SCR) will provide the capability to a read only role in addition to the read and write role for Congestion Revenue Right (CRR) Account Holders. Currently Digital Certificates for CRR Account Holders provides read and write capabilities to the certificate holder. Austin Energy (AE) request that ERCOT create a read only role in addition to the read and write role. 11/29/2011 Austin Energy No NA Approved
SCR770 Revision to Outage Scheduler Entry for Resource Maintenance Outage Level Designation This System Change Request (SCR) will make a change to the Outage Scheduler system so that the Qualified Scheduling Entity (QSE) is able to schedule Level I, II and III Maintenance Outages in a way that coincides with the definition of these Maintenance Outages shown in Protocol Section 2.1. Currently the data entry into the Outage Scheduler allows the user to enter the start of the proposed Outage only and the system infers from that the Maintenance Level of the Outage. However, there are instances where the start of the Outage can actually be earlier than that required by the designated Maintenance Level. The system needs to be changed so that the user can enter the requested start date of the Outage separately from the duration of time allowed before the maintenance would prevent a Forced Outage. 01/18/2012 Luminant Energy Company LLC No Not applicable Approved
SCR771 ERCOT System Change Allowing Independent Master QSE to Represent Split Generation Resources This System Change Request (SCR) modifies ERCOT systems to allow owners of Split Generation Resources to contract for service with an independent Master Qualified Scheduling Entity (QSE). 01/24/2012 Joel Buck on behalf of Sandy Creek Services, LLC No Approved
SCR772 New Extract for Five Minute Interval Settlement Data This System Change Request (SCR) proposes that ERCOT provide a new Real-Time code extract that will have five minute interval data only. 12/13/2012 Jim Galvin & Harika Basaran on behalf of the CSWG No Approved
SCR773 Addition of Regulation Feedback to Generation to be Dispatched Calculation This SCR updates the formula used by the system to calculate the amount of generation to be dispatched that takes into account a configurable quantity for Regulation Service that has been deployed. 01/30/2013 David Kee on behalf of the Performance Disturbance Compliance Working Group (PDCWG) Yes Approved
SCR774 Enhancement to Outage Scheduler and Reports This System Change Request (SCR) adds fields to the Outage Scheduler in order to provide information on changes to approved Outages, and adds a report on cancelled Outages. 06/05/2013 Edison Mission Marketing & Trading No Approved
SCR775 Posting Results of Real-Time Data in a Display Format This System Change Request (SCR) adds two new displays to the Day-Ahead and Real-Time data displays section under the Market Information tab on the ERCOT Market Information System (MIS). RTD Load Zone Forecasted Prices RTD Hub Forecasted Prices Each pricing display would automatically update with new revised prices on each execution of Real-Time data and delete the oldest data as shown in the examples. As an option, ERCOT would also provide the ability of a MIS user to specify a price threshold selected by the user that would cause the displayed prices that exceed this threshold to be highlighted in a different background color. 10/03/2013 ERCOT Steel Companies No Approved
SCR776 Retail Data Transport Upgrade to NAESB EDM v2.2 This System Change Request (SCR) will upgrade North American Energy Standards Board (NAESB) Electronic Delivery Mechanism (EDM) from v1.6 to v2.2, providing ERCOT and Market Participants the ability to support NAESB EDM specified digital signature as well as retail file data identification in compliance with NAESB EDM v2.2. 11/06/2013 Isabelle Durham on behalf of Texas Data Transport Working Group (TDTWG) No Withdrawn
SCR777 Bilateral CRR Interface Enhancement Currently, the Congestion Revenue Right (CRR) interface allows for manual, discrete data entering. This System Change Request (SCR) would implement a file upload/download feature for bilateral CRR transactions via the CRR interface. 11/13/2013 SESCO No Approved
SCR778 Credit Exposure Calculations for NOIE Options Linked to RTM PTP Obligations Changes to the Credit Monitoring and Management (CMM) System. 1. Modifies the Real-Time Liability (RTL) calculation to reduce credit exposure to an estimated amount based on calculations defined in paragraph (1) of Protocol Section, Payments and Charges for PTP Obligations Settled in Real-Time. 2. Modifies the Outstanding Unpaid Transactions (OUT) calculation to include credit exposure to an estimated amount based on calculations defined in paragraphs (3) and (4) of Protocol Section 4.6.3, Settlement for PTP Obligations Bought in DAM. 11/15/2013 ERCOT No Approved
SCR779 Increase to the CRR Auction Transaction Limit During Congestion Revenue Right (CRR) Auctions, a system limitation results in an aggregate limitation of 200,000 market transactions for CRR Account Holders. This System Change Request (SCR) increases the limit by 50% to 300,000 market transactions. This change will require improvements to the CRR software and enhancements to downstream systems to ensure that they can properly handle the increased transaction volume. 12/31/2013 ERCOT No Approved
SCR780 Macomber Map System Operations Test Environment Enhancement This System Change Request (SCR) provides Macomber Map display (view only) to ERCOT Transmission Operators (TOs) via the System Operations Test Environment (SOTE) system. 05/14/2014 Oncor No Not applicable. Withdrawn
SCR781 MP Online Data Entry -- Market Requirements This System Change Request (SCR) will replace the current Resource Asset Registration Form (RARF) spreadsheet and associated manual processes with MP Online Data Entry. 07/21/2014 Resource Data Working Group (RDWG) No Not applicable. Approved
SCR782 Outage Scheduler Enhancements -- Group 1, TSP Notification This System Change Request (SCR) will provide for Transmission Service Providers (TSPs) to be notified when Qualified Scheduling Entities (QSEs) or Resource Entities submit Outage requests for Resources and other Resource Entity-owned transmission assets. 09/24/2014 ERCOT No Withdrawn
SCR783 Outage Scheduler Enhancements -- Groups 2 and 3, Group Outage, Usability and Filtering Enhancements This System Change Request (SCR) will provide group Outage, usability and filtering enhancements in the Outage Scheduler 02/11/2015 ERCOT No Approved
SCR784 Outage Scheduler Enhancements -- Group 3, Group Outage and Usability Enhancements This System Change Request (SCR) will provide group Outage and usability enhancements in the Outage Scheduler. 09/24/2014 ERCOT No Withdrawn
SCR785 Update RTL calculation to include Real-Time Reserve Price Adder based components The Real-Time Liability (RTL) component of credit calculations estimates settlement risk for unsettled operating days. RTL currently does not include changes in exposure from Real Time Reserve Price Adder Based on Operating Reserve Demand Curve (ORDC) related calculations. This SCR is to update RTL to include the effect of certain ORDC exposure determinants. 1. Modifies the Real-Time Liability (RTL) calculation to include an estimated amount of the following determinants; a. RTASIAMT (Real-Time Ancillary Service Imbalance Amount) based on calculations defined in paragraphs (6) of Protocol Section 6.7.4 Real-Time Ancillary Service Imbalance Payment or Charge, b. RTRUCRSVAMT (Real-Time RUC Ancillary Service Reserve based on calculations defined in paragraphs (7) of Protocol Section Real-Time Ancillary Service Imbalance Payment or Charge Amount), and c. LAASIRNAMT (Real-Time Ancillary Service Imbalance Revenue Neutrality Allocation) based on calculations defined in Protocol Section 6.7.5 Real-Time Ancillary Service Imbalance Revenue Neutrality Allocation. NPRR 626, "Reliability Deployment Price Adder", also adjusts the RTL calculation to reflect other ORDC determinants that are not within the scope of this SCR. This SCR was proposed when it was determined that NPRR626 did not include all applicable RTL determinants. 01/20/2017 ERCOT Pending Withdrawn
SCR786 Retail Market Test Environment This System Change Request (SCR) instructs ERCOT to develop a new retail market test environment, in addition to the current Certification (CERT) environment, that mimics the production environment functionality. This new retail market testing environment will provide flexibility and availability for ad-hoc testing requests by Market Participants and will reduce the overall risk to the retail, market by allowing Market Participants to fully test internal projects before going live in production. 06/10/2015 Isabelle Durham on behalf of Texas Data Transport Working Group (TDTWG) No Approved
SCR787 Maintain NDCRC Data For Generator Transfer Between Resource Entities This System Change Request (SCR) enhances the Net Dependable Capability and Reactive Capability (NDCRC) application to provide historical generator information to all associated Resource Entities. 11/06/2015 Exelon No Approved
SCR788 Addition of Integral ACE Feedback to GTBD Calculation This System Change Request (SCR) updates the formula used by the Resource Limit Calculator to calculate the Generation To Be Dispatched (GTBD) value. The update will include the addition of Area Control Error (ACE) Integral times a configurable factor that captures the long-term Dispatch trend to help minimize GTBD oscillations from one Security-Constrained Economic Dispatch (SCED) interval to the next. The analysis further shows that having an Integral ACE feedback would reduce the amount of manual Time Error corrections performed. Integral ACE is calculated from Raw ACE by integrating the raw ACE value over a configurable amount of time (X seconds) and adding it to the previous 4 second Integral ACE, as shown below: Integral ACE (current 4 sec) = Integral ACE(last 4 sec) + [(Raw ACE(Current 4 sec)*(Current Time – Last AGC run time))/X] In general, Integral ACE provides a good indication of which direction ACE has been trending. 02/01/2016 Mike Noth on behalf of the Performance, Disturbance, Compliance Working Group (PDCWG) No Approved
SCR789 Update NMMS Topology Processor to PSSE 34 Capability This System Change Request (SCR) updates the Network Model Management System (NMMS) Topology Processor to output Power System Simulator for Engineering (PSS/E) 34 RAW files. 03/08/2016 ERCOT No Approved
SCR790 Wind Resource Power Production and Forecast Transparency This System Change Request (SCR) requires ERCOT to implement an additional level of spatial granularity to the existing reporting of wind power production and forecasts. The additional area is the Panhandle/North area, which is to be reported along with the stand-alone West Load Zone and the current system-wide and South/Houston Load Zone aggregations. 03/10/2016 DC Energy Texas No Approved
SCR791 Correction of 60-day SCED GRD Disclosure Report This System Change Request populates unused Megawatt (MW) and price values in Security-Constrained Economic Dispatch (SCED) Generation Resource Data (GRD) Energy Offer Curves with null values rather than zeroes. 05/15/2017 Market Data Working Group (MDWG) No 3.2.5 Approved
SCR792 Enhance Communications of BAAL Exceedances This System Change Request (SCR) allows ERCOT to send, via Inter-Control Center Communications Protocol (ICCP) to the appropriate Entities, the consecutive clock-minute average exceedances of Balancing Authority ACE Limit (BAAL). This SCR also creates a situational awareness display in the Market Information System (MIS) Public Area that displays consecutive clock-minute average exceedances of BAAL. 05/31/2017 ERCOT No Approved
SCR793 SSR Related Telemetry for Transmission Service Provider (TSP) Operators This System Change Request (SCR) is intended to provide situational awareness of Subsynchronous Resonance (SSR) precursor conditions. 10/16/2017 Cross Texas Transmission No 3.22.3 Approved
SCR794 Update SCED Limit Calculation This System Change Request (SCR) updates how the Security-Constrained Economic Dispatch (SCED) limit is calculated by Transmission Constraint Manager (TCM) to take into account how the MVA flows compare to actual MVA limits. 11/02/2017 ERCOT No Approved
SCR795 Addition of Intra-Hour Wind Forecast to GTBD Calculation ERCOT is in the process of adding an intra-hour wind forecast. This System Change Request (SCR) updates the formula used by the Resource Limit Calculator to calculate the Generation To Be Dispatched (GTBD) value to include the addition of a predicted 5-minute wind ramp (PWRR). This PWRR will be calculated from the intra-hour wind forecast times five and a configurable factor to capture the forecasted 5-minute wind ramp. This addition would help Security-Constrained Economic Dispatch (SCED) take into account the potential 5-minute wind ramp in its 5-minute Base-Points and would take the burden off of Regulation to cover the 5-minute gain or loss of generation from variations in wind and instead dispatch this energy economically. This change will also aid reducing frequency recovery duration following events that occur during times with significant wind up and down ramps. Although there will be inherent forecast error in the intra-hour forecast, this change will give a better indication to SCED via GTBD of the level of wind generation that will be available in the next 5 minutes, as compared to the current assumption that the wind generation will persist at the same level as at the beginning of the 5-minute interval. Once ERCOT begins to receive the intra-hour wind forecast from its vendor(s), ERCOT will analyze the 5-minute out forecast performance and accuracy of projected wind generation ramp direction before the intra hour wind forecast component is activated in the GTBD formula. 11/28/2017 ERCOT No Approved
SCR796 Change Validation Rules to Preclude Certain Transactions at Resource Nodes within Private Use Networks This System Change Request (SCR) modifies the validation rules that the Market Management System (MMS) uses to validate bids and offers to exclude Resource Nodes within a Private Use Network site as valid Settlement Points for Day-Ahead Market (DAM) Energy-Only Offers, DAM Energy Bids, and Point-to-Point (PTP) Obligation bids. 03/28/2018 ERCOT No Other Binding Document “Procedure for Identifying Resources Nodes” Approved
SCR797 Provide Current Operating Plans (COPs) to TSPs This System Change Request (SCR) will allow ERCOT to automatically share Current Operating Plans (COPs) with a Transmission Service Provider (TSP) upon request by that TSP. 10/03/2018 ERCOT No Nodal Protocol Section 1.3.6, Exceptions Approved
SCR798 PTP Obligation Bid ID Limit This System Change Request (SCR) introduces a limit on the total number of Point-to-Point (PTP) Obligation bids that can be submitted into the Day-Ahead Market (DAM) per Qualified Scheduling Entity (QSE) and per Counter-Party. The limit will apply to the number of bid IDs per Operating Day. 10/24/2018 ERCOT No None Approved
SCR799 ERCOT Outage Study Cases in the System Operations Test Environment (SOTE) This System Change Request (SCR) enables ERCOT to provide its current month, 60 day, and 90 day Outage study cases in the System Operations Test Environment (SOTE) on a monthly basis for Transmission Service Providers (TSPs). 02/26/2019 Oncor No None Approved
SCR800 Addition of DC Tie Ramp to GTBD Calculation This System Change Request (SCR) incorporates Direct Current Tie (DC Tie) scheduled ramp into Security-Constrained Economic Dispatch (SCED) by updating the formula used by the Resource Limit Calculator (RLC) to calculate the Generation To Be Dispatched (GTBD) value to include the addition of a scheduled 5-minute DC Tie ramp rate (DCTRR). This DCTRR will be calculated from the scheduled system-wide DC Tie ramp times five and a configurable factor to capture the scheduled 5-minute DC Tie ramp. 04/24/2019 ERCOT No Approved
SCR801 867_03 Final(s) Global Process ID Correction Request for IDR ESI ID(s) Posted to the 867 Activity Report This System Change Request (SCR) corrects the Global Process ID for Texas Standard Electronic Transaction (Texas SET) 867_03F (Final) Interval Data Recorder (IDR) Electric Service Identifier (ESI ID) transactions to match the same process currently in place for Texas SET 867_03F (Final) non-IDR transactions. This issue experienced by the Joint Transmission and/or Distribution Service Providers (TDSPs) (AEP, CNP, Oncor and TNMP) applies only to IDR ESI ID(s) Final Usage transactions. Therefore, the Joint TDSPs request that ERCOT apply the same data lifecycle cross reference consistency for all 867_03 Usage transactions regardless of: Meter Type IDR vs. non-IDR; Monthly vs. Final Usage; and Original (00), Cancellation (01), or Replace (05) transactions. 04/29/2019 AEP, CNP, Oncor, and TNMP No None Approved
SCR802 Enhance Communications of System Inertia This System Change Request (SCR) modifies the existing “Real-Time System Conditions” display accessible on the ERCOT website to display the Real-Time system inertia value. 05/20/2019 NRG No None Approved
SCR803 Enhance Wind Integration Report and Create Solar Integration Report and Solar Dashboard This System Change Request (SCR) enhances the existing wind integration report and creates new solar integration reports and a new a graphical dashboard to show actual and forecasted solar power production, similar to the current dashboard for wind power production. 06/14/2019 Reliant Energy Retail Services LLC No 4.2.3 Approved
SCR804 ERCOT GridGeo Access for Transmission Operators This System Change Request (SCR) will provide access for Transmission Operators (TOs) to ERCOT’s GridGeo application. 07/01/2019 Oncor/AEP No None Approved
SCR805 Provide Early Access to Certain 60-Day Reports to TSPs Upon Request This System Change Request (SCR) will allow ERCOT to automatically provide certain reports to requesting Transmission Service Providers (TSPs) prior to the date the reports are posted to the Market Information System (MIS) Public Area (i.e., 60 days after the Operating Day). The reports will be provided only to TSPs that make a formal request to ERCOT. Once the formal request is approved by ERCOT, ERCOT will automatically provide these reports on an ongoing basis to the TSP. The content provided will be similar to the content provided in the following reports: • NP6-619-ER State Estimator 60-Day Delayed Transmission Line Flows • NP6-622-ER State Estimator 60-Day Delayed Transformer Information • NP3-965-ER 60 Day SCED Disclosure Reports (Only actual generation portion of this report) 08/28/2019 ERCOT No Nodal Protocol Section 1.3.6, Exceptions Approved
SCR806 Adding QSE and DME Information to Disclosure Reports This System Change Request (SCR) adds the Qualified Scheduling Entity (QSE) and Decision Making Entity (DME) columns to each individual disclosure report with Resource-specific offer information as specified by P.U.C. SUBST. R. 25.505, Reporting Requirements and the Scarcity Pricing Mechanism in the Electric Reliability Council of Texas Power Region. 10/29/2019 ERCOT No 3.2.5 Approved
SCR807 Increase CRR Transaction Capability This System Change Request (SCR) enables an increase to the total Congestion Revenue Right (CRR) transaction limit by 33% to 400,000 market transactions for CRR Account Holders during CRR Auctions. If approved, this SCR will require improvements to the CRR software and enhancements to downstream systems to ensure that they can properly handle the increased transaction volume. Please note this SCR is being filed concurrently with SCR808, Congestion Revenue Right Time Of Use Transaction Limits in Long-Term Auction Sequence Auctions. This way, stakeholders can consider the cost and merits of both proposals as cost information becomes available through the Impact Analysis process. DC Energy’s belief is only one of these SCRs is needed to resolve the transaction limitation issues and our intent is to only move forward with one of the two. 11/22/2019 DC Energy No Approved
SCR808 Congestion Revenue Right Time Of Use Transaction Limits in Long-Term Auction Sequence Auctions This System Change Request (SCR) establishes Congestion Revenue Right (CRR) transaction limits for each Time Of Use (TOU) in Long-Term Auction Sequence auctions. It maintains the ability to submit all transactions in a single portfolio via system changes that separate CRR submissions by TOU and compares them to their respective limit. Also, this SCR will require enhancements to downstream systems to ensure that they can properly handle the increased transaction volume. Please note this SCR is being filed concurrently with SCR807, Increase CRR Transaction Capability. This way, stakeholders can consider the cost and merits of both proposals as cost information becomes available through the Impact Analysis process. DC Energy’s belief is only one of these SCRs is needed to resolve the transaction limitation issues and our intent is to only move forward with one of the two. 11/22/2019 DC Energy No Withdrawn
SCR809 Changes to External Telemetry Validations in Resource Limit Calculator This System Change Request (SCR) implements updates to the validation rules imposed on external telemetry received by ERCOT and utilized in the Resource Limit Calculator. 01/10/2020 ERCOT Yes Approved
SCR810 EMS System Change to Count DC Ties toward the 2% Constraint Activation Criterion This System Change Request (SCR) adds logic to ERCOT’s Energy Management System (EMS) system to remove the flag that indicates to the ERCOT Operator that a unit representing a Direct Current Tie (DC Tie) does not count toward the 2% criterion for activating transmission constraints. 02/05/2020 Rainbow Energy Marketing Corporation No Approved
SCR811 Addition of Intra-Hour PhotoVoltaic Power Forecast to GTBD Calculation ERCOT is in the process of adding an Intra-Hour PhotoVoltaic Power Forecast (IHPPF). This System Change Request (SCR) updates the formula used by the Resource Limit Calculator to calculate the Generation To Be Dispatched (GTBD) value to include a predicted five-minute solar ramp (PSRR) component. A five-minute solar ramp rate will be calculated from the IHPPF and the Short-Term PhotoVoltaic Power Forecast (STPPF). A manual toggle will be available to select one of the methods as primary source for setting the PSRR value to be used. This PSRR times five and a configurable factor will be used in GTBD to capture the forecasted five-minute solar ramp. This addition would help Security-Constrained Economic Dispatch (SCED) take into account the potential five-minute solar ramp in its five-minute Base Points and would take the burden off of Regulation Service to cover the five-minute gain or loss of generation resulting from variations in solar irradiance and instead dispatch the energy economically. This change will also aid reducing frequency recovery duration following events that occur during times with significant solar up and down ramps. Although there will be inherent forecast error in the PhotoVoltaic forecast, this change will give a better indication to SCED via GTBD of the level of solar generation that will be available in the next five minutes, as compared to the current assumption that the solar generation will persist at the same level as at the beginning of the five-minute interval. ERCOT will analyze the five-minute out forecast performance and accuracy of projected solar generation ramp direction before the intra-hour solar ramp forecast component is activated in the GTBD formula. 07/29/2020 ERCOT Yes Approved
SCR812 Create Intermittent Renewable Generation Integration Report This System Change Request (SCR) creates the new Intermittent Renewable Generation Integration Report, similar to the current integration reports for wind power and solar power production. 08/13/2020 ERCOT No 4.2.2, 4.2.3 Approved
SCR813 NMMS Jointly-Rated Equipment Coordination Confirmation This System Change Request (SCR) modifies the Network Model Management System (NMMS) to highlight change submissions related to jointly-rated equipment. NMMS will display the jointly-rated equipment to the submitter and list other Entities which have also provided ratings. The submitter will be asked to confirm that the requested changes have been coordinated with the associated companies. Additional changes are requested to improve automated email notifications of these model changes. 03/31/2021 ERCOT No Protocol Section 3.10 Approved
SCR814 Point-to-Point (PTP) Obligation Bid Interval Limit This System Change Request (SCR) introduces a limit on the total number of Point-to-Point (PTP) Obligation bid intervals that can be submitted into the Day-Ahead Market (DAM) per Counter-Party. 06/29/2021 ERCOT No Approved
SCR815 MarkeTrak Administrative Enhancements This System Change Request (SCR) proposes administrative revisions/enhancements that will align current market guides, streamline processes, increase transparency and tracking, and improve communication among Market Participants in the MarkeTrak tool which is utilized for issue resolution in the retail market. 06/30/2021 TDTMS Yes Approved
SCR816 CRR Auction Bid Credit Enhancement This System Change Request (SCR) unlocks Congestion Revenue Right (CRR) bid credit on the same day that CRR Auction results are posted. 07/28/2021 DC Energy Texas No Protocol Sections 4.4.10 and 7.5.1 Approved
SCR817 Related to NPRR1095, MarkeTrak Validation Revisions Aligning with Texas SET V5.0 This System Change Request (SCR) proposes additional validations/requirements to existing MarkeTrak subtypes, revises existing workflows, and suggests new subtypes to align with current market practices for more efficient issue resolution. 09/28/2021 TDTMS No Approved
SCR818 Changes to Incorporate GIC Modeling Data into Existing Modeling Applications This System Change Request (SCR) proposes to modify the ERCOT Network Model Management System (NMMS) and Topology Processor to incorporate Geomagnetically-Induced Currents (GIC) modeling data for maintaining GIC System models for the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, Inc. (ERCOT) planning area for compliance with North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) Reliability Standard, TPL-007-4, Transmission System Planned Performance for Geomagnetic Disturbance Events. The NMMS and Topology Processor should allow applicable Entities to provide the necessary data for the GIC System Model, per Section 6.11 of the ERCOT Planning Guide and in accordance with ERCOT’s GIC System Model Procedure Manual. Additional changes are requested to include automated email notifications of the need for the GIC modeling data submittals and updates. 10/14/2021 CenterPoint No Approved
SCR819 Improving IRR Control to Manage GTC Stability Limits This System Change Request (SCR) will improve the dispatch of Base Points to Resources to account for the ramping of uncurtailed Intermittent Renewable Resources (IRRs) and will reduce the chance of violating Generic Transmission Limits (GTLs). 12/13/2021 ERCOT Yes Protocol Section Approved
SCR820 Operator Real-Time Messaging During Emergency This System Change Request (SCR) builds on the ERCOT Hotline communication process by developing a web-based (e.g., Google Chrome; Microsoft Edge) platform supporting Real-Time, bi-directional, “Send-Review” messaging between ERCOT Operators and Transmission Operators (TOs) during emergency event coordination. The tool will support one-to-one or one-to-many communications. The Messaging System will log and store communications so that parties can stay current during the emergency event and for review subsequent to the emergency. 12/23/2021 AEP / CenterPoint No Approved
SCR821 Voltage Set Point Target Information for Distribution Generation Resource (DGR) or Distribution Energy Storage Resource (DESR) This System Change Request (SCR) allows, at the option of the Transmission and/or Distribution Service Provider (TDSP), Voltage Set Point target information to be provided to a Distribution Generation Resource (DGR) or a Distribution Energy Storage Resource (DESR) installation. 03/29/2022 AEP SC No Approved
SCR822 Create Daily Energy Storage Integration Report and Dashboard This System Change Request (SCR) creates a new daily integration report and dashboard for Energy Storage Resources (ESRs), similar to the current integration reports and dashboards for wind and solar. 05/16/2022 Reliant Energy Retail Services No Approved
SCR823 ERCOT Mass System “County Name” File Updates for Texas SET V5.0 Implementation This System Change Request (SCR) requests that ERCOT process (upload) a flat file received by ERCOT from each affected TDSP that contains all the TDSPs’ ESI IDs with one exception being retired ESI IDs. This flat file would allow all REPs to have County Names associated to all ESI IDs on the very first day following Texas SET V5.0 production go-live through the TDSPs’ ESI ID extract that is produced daily by ERCOT. 09/13/2022 Texas SET Working Group Yes Approved
SCR824 Increase File Size and Quantity Limits for RIOO Attachments This System Change Request (SCR) increases the attachment file size and quantities allowed within the Resource Integration and Ongoing Operations (RIOO) system. 06/20/2023 Genesis Consolidated Industries Inc. No Approved
SCR825 ERCOT Voice Communications Aggregation This System Change Request (SCR) modifies ERCOT’s current control room voice communication configuration(s) to allow for greater flexibility for Qualified Scheduling Entities (QSEs) and their Subordinate QSEs when assigning Agent(s), including allowing SubQSEs to assign Agents different than those used by the parent QSE. 08/09/2023 Tenaska Power Services No NOG 7.1, NOG 7.1.2, and Protocol 23F Approved
SCR826 Enhancements This System Change Request (SCR) updates the ERCOT homepage to be more useful to the general public based on the large amount of attention that the website has received this summer. 09/14/2023 Residential Consumer No Pending
SCR827 Grid Conditions Graph Addition for Operating Reserve Demand Curve (ORDC) Level This System Change Request (SCR) adds a third selection to the “Grid Conditions” dashboard on the website. The three selections would be “Operating Reserves/Daily PRC/Current ORDC Level.” 09/20/2023 ACES No Methodology for Implementing Operating Reserve Demand Curve (ORDC) to Calculate Real-Time Reserve Price Adder Withdrawn
SCR828 Increase the Number of Resource Certificates Permitted for an Email Domain in RIOO This System Change Request (SCR) increases the number of Resource certificates permitted for an email domain within the Resource Integration and Ongoing Operations (RIOO) system. 11/26/2024 NextEra Energy No Approved
SCR829 API for the NDCRC Application This System Change Request (SCR) adds an Application Programming Interface (API) to upload unit testing data and download unit testing data from the Net Dependable Capability and Reactive Capability (NDCRC) application. 12/05/2024 Joint Sponsors - Constellation, Tenaska, NRG, LCRA No Pending
SCR830 Expose Limited API Endpoints Using Machine-to-Machine Authentication This System Change Request (SCR) implements a machine-to-machine (“M2M”) client credentials authentication flow using OAuth 2.0 to allow for certain read-only endpoints of the GINR Rest Application Programming Interface (API) to be exposed for authorized use. 12/30/2024 American Electric Power No Pending
SCR831 Short Circuit Model Integration This System Change Request (SCR) modifies the Network Model Management System (NMMS), ODMS, Topology Processor, and Modeling on Demand system to incorporate short circuit modeling data for maintaining short circuit models built by the System Protection Working Group (SPWG). 01/15/2025 ERCOT No Pending